1. Shall we come to see you or will you come to see us?
2. Are you from the South or from the North? 3. Will he go on Monday or on Tuesday?
4. Did you speak to them, or did the manager? 5. Where's the bank? Should I go this way or that way?
句型[特指疑问句,+A or B ?]
1. "What would you like, Chinese or European food?" - "I don't mind one way or the other."
2. Which would you rather have - steak or fish? 3. Who will be your teacher, Mr. Brown or Mr. Cooper?
4. Where did you spend your leave: in Shanghai or in Hangzhou?
5. When will he go there, tomorrow or some other day?
1. I'd like to know how old you are. 2. He inquired how it was done.
3. "Guess how old I am." - "I'd say you're about twenty-three." 4. I ask you what you want.
5. Please advise me which book I should read first. 6. Tell me why it is so important.
1. I sometimes ask myself the question whether it was worth the effort.
2. I ask you whether it is true or not. 3. She asked if I had slept. 4. Tell me whether you like it.
5. He visited us next day and asked if we had got home safe. 6. She inquired if he liked the post.
1. Can you tell me where he has gone? 2. Have you any idea where he lives?
3. May I ask you then what you would advise me to do? 4. Do you know who lives here?
5. Do you know when he was born?
句型[疑问词+do you think/did you say/can you guess/do you suppose+其他(正常语序)]
1. What will be the result, do you think?
2. "How old were you then, Clyde, did you say?" "Between seventeen and eighteen."
3. When do you think the meeting will be held?
4. How many books, can you guess, did he buy the other day?
5. What do you suppose he's hanging around here?
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