鲁教版初一下册英语说课稿范文:Unit 5 Can you come to my party?




Step 4 Listening (1b)

1.Play the tape. Students listen and write the names next to the correct students in the pictures.

2.Play the tape again. This time students fill in the blanks.

Lucy:   Hello!

Kate:   Hello, is ______ Lucy?

Lucy:   Yes.

Kate:   This is Kate _____________.

Lucy:   Oh, hi Kate! How are you?

Kate:   Fine. ___________ you free tomorrow?

Lucy:   Yes, I am.

Kate:   Would you like to _______ swimming with me?

Lucy:   Sure! ___________ are we going?

Kate:   In the afternoon. I think we can leave _______ lunch.

Lucy:   I’d love _________. I have a few things to pick up.

Kate:   Well, Lucy, I’ll _______ you outside the school gate _______1:20 then.

Lucy:   OK. __________ you later. Bye

3.Check the answers.


Step 5 Drill(1c)

1.Present the dialogue. Show a picture of my party. Say to the students “Tomorrow is my party. I’d like to invite some students to come to my party.”

Then ask students the question “Can you come to my party?” Have the students answer “Sure, I’d love to” or “Sorry, I can’t, I have a piano lesson.” and so on.

2. Practice the dialogue between teacher and students.

3. Work in groups. Group A ask and Group B answer.

4. Practice in pairs and act it out.

设计思路:采用任务型的教学策略,学生反复操练后,会自动生成 “Sure, I’d love to”及 “Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson”句型意义,对句型的掌握会深入、透彻,并突破教学重难点,使学生得成就感,

5. Play a guessing game

Why can’t they come to the party?




Step 6 Consolidation

1.Make up similar dialogues .

2.Translate the useful expressions.

3.How to accept and decline the invitations.


Step 7 Homework

1.Make a card with details of an event.

2.Make a new dialogue according section A 1c

Contains: How to accept and decline invitations




(人教版)初一年级下册英语说课稿:Unit 6第四课时  

(人教版)初一年级下册英语说课稿:Unit 6第三课时 



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