



1. Difficult sentences

At first the English spoken in English between about … today.

Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150 … later French.

2. Phrases

1) because of + nV-ing pron.

because +句子

He didn’t come because of the heavy rain.because it rained heavily.

2) than ever before 比以往任何时候都。。。(与比较级连用)

China is stronger than ever before.

3) even if though 即使尽管(引导让步状语从句)

He likes to help us even ifthough he is very busy.

4) come up Vi.

A girl come up to me and gave me a letter 走过来

The grass is just beginning to come up 长出地面

Here we can watch the sun come up. 升起

Something terrible has come up.发生出现

The question finally come up for discussion. 被提出


come across 偶然遇到或找到

come back 再现记忆

come down 传承,按习惯通过或处理

come on 催促, 快速运动

come out 成为众所周知;发行或发表

come up 出现,显示

come true 实现

come up with 宣布或发现


5) at present 目前现在At present ,he is on holiday.

present n 礼物

v. 赠送呈现

adj.现在的目前的(前置定语)the present government leaders

出席的,到场的(后置定语) the government leaders present

What’s your present address?

How many people are present at the meeting?

6)make use of 利用(make goodfull use of 好好、充分利用)

Every minute should be made good use of as the final exam is coming.

7)a number of 大量的(其后谓语动词用复数)

A number of people have came.

the number of …的数目(其后谓语动词用单数)

The number of homeless people has increased.


a large/ great/ good number of, a good/ great many, dozens of, scores of, quite a few


a great deal of, a large amount of, quite a little, a large sum of


plenty of, a lot of, lots of, a large quantity of

8)such as 例如(用来列举同类人、物中的几个例子,但不全部列出)

for example (一般只举同类中的一个例子做插入语,常用逗号隔开,可置于句首,句中或句末)

I like most ball games,such as football ,basketball and volleyball.

I’d like to keep a pet, a dog ,for example.


1)native adj. 本国的,本地的Chinese is my native language.

be native to +地名 原产于This kind if tea is native to Fenghuang Mountain in Chaozhou.


2)base Vt. 以。。。。。。为根据

base sth on sth. (be based on)

He base his hope on the good news we had yesterday.

This movie is based on facts.

n. 基地基础the air base 空军基地The base of the house is strong.


3) latter adj. 较后的

He lived a happy life in the latter part of his life.

the latter(两个人或物中的后者)

John and James are brothers, the former is a doctor , the latter is a teacher.

4) identity n. 本身身份

The police are still uncertain of the dead person’s identity.

Step 3 Pracrices

Check the exercises in EW Part 2

Step 4Homework checking P11 Exx1-4

Step 5 Hw : 1.Review the language points

2.Preview the grammar item. 3. Do reading exercises in the English Weekly(第四期阅读练习)

Period 5 Grammar.

Aim: Help the students to retell command and request into indirect speech.

Important and difficult points:

How to express one’s commands or request into the indirect speech.

Teaching prodedures:

Step 1. Dictation

Step 2. Revision


1. 练习 2规律

Step 3.New words study

1.command give commands

command sb. to do sth. He commanded the soldier to fire.

Command that sb. (should )do sth. He commanded that the solider (should )fire.



make a request

at the request of at sb.’s request应某人要求

Vt. request sb. to do sth.. I requested him to invite Tom to the party.

request that sb.( should) do. I requested that he (should) invite Tom to the party.

Step4. Grammar.

1. Sum up the difference between commands and requests

Direct Speech

Commands: Do Don’t …

Requests : Do… please. Please do…

CanCould you (please)do…?

Will Would you please do…?

Classify the sentences into commands and requests.(p12 Ex2)

2. Sum up the pattern of retelling someone’s commands or requests.(Ex1)

Indirect Speech

Commands: told ordered sb.(not)to do sth.

Requests: asked sb.(not)to do sth.

Practice :1) Classify the sentences into commands and requests

2) Retell them in indirect speech.(Ex3 On P 12)

3) Do the exercises on the English Weekly (Part3 )

Step 5.Reading and speaking

1). Read the dialogue onP15 ,then circle the words than mean the same.

2. Oral practice (Ex2 On P 15) (Recite the sentences.)

Step 6. Summary and Homework.

1. Recite the sentences

2. P49-50 Exx1-2

3. Preview the Reading on P13



外研版九年级上册英语说课稿怎么写:Public holidays  




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