



Aims : Train the students’ reading skill (sum up the main idea of each para.)

Enable the students to understand the history of English and its development in the future.

Important and difficult points:

1.Sum up the main idea 2.Retell the history of English

Step 1. Review the words

Step 2. pre-reading

T: From last period we know AE is different from BE . How did these differences come about?

Step 3. Prediction

Read the passage quickly and look at the title .guess the main idea of the passage using a sentence.

English has changed and developed over time.

Step 4. Fast reading

Underline the key sentence of each paragraph and tell the main idea of each paragraph in your own words.

Para.1 Many people all over the world speak English.

Para 2 Native speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.

Para3. Why has English changed over time?

Para 4 . Finally by the 19th century the language was settled.

Para 5. English is now spoken wide in South Asia

Step 5.Caraful reading

1. Read Para 1 and finish the form

Time The numberArea where English was spoken

At the end of 16th century

Later in the next century


2. Read Para 3-5 and fill in the blanks (EW 第三期reading task )

Step 6 Comprehending exercise 1

Step 7 Summary and homework.

1. Read the text more 2.Recite the sentences

3 P11 Exx1-4 4 EW Part 2



冀教版九年级上册英语说课稿怎么写:Great people  

外研版九年级上册英语说课稿怎么写:Public holidays  



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