


同学们现在正处于初三阶段,这是一个初中最为关键的时期。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了初三下册英语unit6说课稿模板,欢迎阅读与选择!

Unit 2 Knives and forks are used for most Western food.


 Knowledge objective

Key vocabulary—Westerner, West, serve, similar, wing, lady, gentleman, cross

Key structures—help yourself, do as the Romans do

 Ability objective

To get information about Western diet culture.

To master the passive voice.

 Moral objective

To respect Western diet culture; To be proud of our own Chinese diet culture.


1. To learn some expressions in the passage.

2. To learn the passive voice.


1. To get information from the article.

2. The use of do as the Romans do and help oneself.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

1. Look at the pictures and talk about Chinese diet culture.

2. Look at the photo of a Western meal. Talk about the differences between a Western meal and a Chinese meal.

Step 2 Presentation

Learn some new words.

Step 3 Reading

1. Listen and read the passage, then answer the questions.

1) Who is the passage written for?

2) Where might you see a passage like this?

2. Finish Activity 3:

Complete the table with the information from the passage.

3. Finish Activity 4:

Read the passage again and answer the questions.

1) “So when you eat Western food, do as Westerners do.” So what should you do?

2) “At the start of a meal, the French say ‘Bon appetit’.” What do you say at the start of a Chinese meal?

3) “I’m sorry. I don’t eat meat.” When might you want to say this?

4) “No, thanks. It was delicious, but I’ve had enough.” Do you mean you do not like the food?

5) “It is sometimes difficult to know when the meal is over.” How do you know that

a meal is over in China?

Keys: 1) We should watch what other people do and copy them.

2) We say “Chi ba!” at the start of normal meals or “Da jia chi hao!” at the start of more formal meals.

3) If I am offered something which I do not like.

4) No, it means “I like the food but I’m full.”

5) In China, a meal is usually over when the food is finished.

4. Read the passage in Activity 2 again. Decide which part is surprising, interesting or unusual to you.

Step 4 Language points

1. We often say, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”


When in Rome, do as the Romans do是一个西方谚语, 相当于汉语中的“入乡随俗”。其中,


e.g. While in the chemistry lab, do as I say, please.


Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子。

No pain, no gain.  没有耕耘, 就没有收获。

Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳。

Love me, love my dog.  爱屋及乌。

2. Dinner is served around 7 pm or even later.

serve v.  端上(食物和饮料) , 服侍……进餐

常用结构: serve sb. sth./serve sth. to sb.

e.g. They usually serve tea at three.

The waiter served us wine.

3. But there is nothing similar to say in English.

similar  adj. 相似的


be similar to意为“与……相似”。

e.g. Martin’s shoes are similar to mine.

be similar in表示“在某方面相似”。

e.g. The two houses are similar in shape.

4. Help yourself.

随便做(或用)吧; 请自便


e.g. Help yourself to some fish, my dear friend.

5. No one will be cross.  没有人会生气的。

cross adj. 生气的

e.g. The old lady was really cross when the boy’s ball broke her windows.

All right, you two, don’t be cross with each other.

v. 横穿,穿过; 交叉

e.g. It took him two months to cross the desert.

She was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed.

Step 5 Practice

Finish Activity 6:

Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.

gentleman   knife   lady   serve   wing

During a meal in the West, you use (1) _____ and forks most of the time, although you can use your fingers to eat chicken (2) ______ or hamburgers. You will be invited to (3) _____ yourself with food, the (4) ______ before the (5) _________.

Keys: knives, wings, serve, ladies, gentlemen

Step 6 Writing

Write a passage about Chinese eating customs for a tourist magazine with Western readers.







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