


同学们现在正处于初一阶段,这是一个初中最为关键的时期。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了上海牛津版初三英语unit5说课稿范文,欢迎阅读与选择!

I. Learning aims:

Master the new words:

experiment, jar, upside, pour, correct, scientific, method, raincoat, force, pressure, conclude

II. Learning important and difficult points:

1) I cover the top with a piece of cardboard and hold it there.

2) I am so sure of my theory that Brian can do the experiment over your head and I know you won’t get wet.

3) The force of the air keeps the water in the jar.

4) It is strong enough to hold the water.

Language Points:

1. I cover the top with a piece of cardboard and hold it there. 我用纸板把上面盖住然后托住它。

【用法】 句式 cover…with…意为“用……覆盖……”,类似句式be covered with 表示“被……覆盖”,这是一个系表结构。

【举例】①My mother covered the table with cloth. 我妈妈用布把桌子盖住了。②The bed is covered with paper. 床上盖满了纸。

2. I am so sure of my theory that Brian can do the experiment over your head and I know you won’t get wet. 我对布莱恩在你头上做实验的理论很有把握,并且你不会湿的。

【用法】这句话中的句式be sure of意为“对……有把握”;that Brian can do the experiment over your head是定语从句,修饰前面的名词theory。

【举例】①Are you sure of this matter? 你对这件事情有把握吗?②This is the book that I borrowed from the library. 这是我从图书馆借的书。

3. It is strong enough to hold the water. 它力量很大足以把水托住。

【用法】句中的enough to do…意为“足以……做某事”,这里的enough起副词作用,用在形容词或副词后作状语。

【举例】Allan is old enough to go to work. 艾伦到上班年龄了。

Lesson 26: Keep the Candle Burning

I. Learning aims:

Master the new words:

holder, shallow, lighter, match, examine, oxygen

II. Learning important and difficult points:

1) Let the candle burn for two or three minutes.

2)When the candle stops burning, it has used up all the oxygen in the air.

3)How far does it rise?

4) Because about one fifth of the air is made up of oxygen, the water rises and fills about one fifth of the jar.

Language Points:


1. When the candle stops burning, it has used up all the oxygen in the air. 当蜡烛停止燃烧时,它就用完了空气中所有的氧气了。







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