




 Knowledge objective

Get the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and new words they learn in this unit

 Ability objective

To summarize and consolidate the model verbs.

 Moral objective

To be glad to listen to others’ experiences and give others some rules and suggestions.


Model verbs.


The use of the model verbs.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Let Ss look at the pictures, then answer the questions.

Must we obey the traffic rules?

Must we obey the school rules?

What do you think of their behaviors?

Have you ever made such kind of paper by hand?

Step 2 Language practice

Let Ss pay attention to the following sentences.

1. You must be careful of falling stones.

2. You mustn’t walk too close to the edge of the hill path because you might fall and hurt yourselves.

3. You should always wear proper clothes.

4. Bears might think our rubbish is food.

5. — Can we go rock climbing?   —No, you can’t.

Step 3 Practice for Ss

Match the signs with the rules and warnings.

a b c d e f

1. No smoking.

2. No eating or drinking.

3. Children crossing.

4. Danger! Be careful of falling rocs.

5. Children should be taken care of by parents.

6. Do not drink and drive.

Keys: c, b, d, e, f, a

Step 4 Grammar: 情态动词

1. 表示能力


e.g. As soon as Mike could read, he read books about robots.

My five-year-old daughter can draw a beautiful picture in five minutes.

2. 表示可能性

如果要表达“可能,可能性”,可以用may/ might或 can/ could.

e.g. Jane may be at home.

I might talk to him.

You can go to Beijing by train.

3. 表示许可或征求对方许可

如果表达允许某人做某事,或征求对方的许可,可以用can  / could / may / might。

e.g. You can / may start your work now.

Could / May I come a little later tomorrow? I don’t feel myself.

4. 表示请求对方做某事


Will / Would / Could you (please) …?

Would you mind …?

e.g. Would you please help me with this suitcase?

Would you mind turning down the music?

5. 表示建议和邀请


Would you like (to) …?    Shall we …?

e.g. Would you like to play basketball?

Shall we go?

6. 表示意愿

表示想做某事可以用would like/ love to …

e.g. I’d like to be a scientist.

7. 表示应该、义务

表示应该、义务等时常用should, ought to, must.

e.g. You should talk to your parents.

I ought to train more to improve my skill.

8. 表示命令、禁止、不得不

表示这类含义时,一般用must, mustn’t, have to等。

e.g. You must study maths to be an engineer.

You mustn’t tell it to anyone.

You have to come early tomorrow.

9. 表示没必要做某事

表示没必要做某事时,常用needn’t, don’t have to 等。

e.g. You don’t have to worry about money. I can lend you some in time of need.

Step 5 Read and write

Ask Ss to read the lists of rules and write sentences using must, mustn’t, should or shouldn’t.

London Indoor Climbing Centre

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