初三年级下册英语说课稿范文:unit1 When was it invented?














1. 能够掌握被动语态,并运用到一定的语言环境。

2. 通过多媒体和任务的完成学生会突破难点,产生一定创造精神。

3.  能完成教学目标,调动学生学习热情。


Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures

Step Ⅰ Lead-in (2 minutes)

We have inventions everywhere .Inventions make us live easily and happily. Without inventions,our lives will be much more difficult. Today, we will know about a few inventions and talk about the history of them.

Show the pictures of five inventions on the screen: a car,a Tv set, a telephone, a calculator and a computer.

T:Now look at these things.What are they?In what order do you think they were invented? Number them(1-5) (1=first,5=last)

Volunteers report the answes.

S1:I think the calculator was invented before the computer.

S2:Idon’t think so. I think the calculator was invented after the computer.

Step Ⅱ 1a

This activity reviews vocabulary and introduces new vocabulary which can be used to talk about inventions.

Read the inventions to the students.

Call the students' attention to the five pictures. Tell the students that all of these things were invented in the last 150 years. Point to each picture and let the students tell what it is.

Write the names of the five inventions on the blackboard.

computer, car, calculator, telephone, TV set

Have several different students guess and write the dates on the board.

Ask the class to repeat the questions and answers like this.

T: When was the computer invented? Class repeat.

Ss: When was the computer invented?

T: Good. Now Tom, what is your guess?

S1: 1965.

T: OK. Tom, repeat after me. The computer was invented in 1965.

T: Class, please repeat.

Ss: The computer was invented in 1965.

Repeat the process with several different inventions.

Tell the children that they will find out the real dates after they complete the lesson.

After that, ask the students the questions below:


1.Which one do you think is the oldest?

2.Which one is the newest?

3.Which one do you think is the oldest or the first invention?

4.Which one is the newest or last invention?

Ask different students to answer the questions.

Have the students look at the example conversation in the box. Ask two students to read this conversation to the class.

A: I think the telephone was invented before the car.

B. Well, I think the telephone was invented after the car.

Read the instructions again to the students. Remind them to remember the inventions from first to last.

Then have the students talk about the five inventions in groups of four, using the sample conversation as a model.



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