九年级英语说课稿:新目标Unit 9 Section B说课稿



4) 游戏教学法:新课标倡导的“玩中学,学中玩”的理念很受学生欢迎。采用学生亲口品尝的方式学习食物口味的四个形容词,再通过猜食品盒子中的礼物的形式,归纳划分食物的口味。穿插奖品的获得大大调动学生的参与力。有效地激发了学生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛。

5)注重学生学习方法的指导:在通过2a和2b的学习后,教师以鱼骨的形式展示事物起源的what, who, when, where, how以及taste等六大方面,帮助学生掌握探究方法,提高写作的技巧。


四 教学过程

Step 1 Warming up

1. Play a cartoon video about the invention process of the light bulb.

2. The teacher stops the video at the proper time and asks,what was invented after that? Students answer, and the teacher continues to ask when the light bulb was invented and what it is used for. Then show another picture, guide a student to ask (who, when, be used for), another student tries to answer.

At last, show a picture of a refrigerator, ask and answer as above. Then make the students to guess what are in it.

Step 2 Tastes

1. Open the refrigerator, and see 4 boxes, ask if they feel a kind of hungry, then take out four boxes the teacher has already prepared. Ask a student to taste a kind of food in the red box,ask the taste of the food, guide to learn the new words: sour. Stick the paper with sour on it onto the box.

2. Make the students guess what else are in the red box. Point out that the same box contains the same taste of food. And the students who guess the very food the box contains can get it as a present.

3. Learn the other 3 new words in the same way.

4. Sum up the foods, and then finish 1a (add the words: bitter, cold and hot if needed) and 1b.

Step 3 Potato chips

1. Show the students some potato chips the teacher has cooked, and ask two or three students to taste. Talk about it--- How do they taste? ( crispy, salty)

Why are they salty? (Sprinkle … on…)

What shape are they? (thinly-sliced)

Then guide the students to guess the cooking process of it.

2. Listen to 2a. Fill in the table below.

Who were the potato chips invented by?

When were the potato chips invented?

Where were the potato chips invented?

3. Listen again, and circle T or F. Check the answers.

4. Guide to understand some phrases in this part: by mistake, in the end, etc.

5. Listen again, and finish 2b.

Step 4 Pairwork

1. Ask the students questions:

What are the inventions?

Who were the potato chips invented by?

When were the potato chips invented?

Where were they invented?

How were they invented?

How do they taste?

Draw a fishbone when the teacher asks and the students answer.

2. Ask the students to work in pairs. Then ask 2 or 3 pairs to talk about. ( activity 2c)

3. Show the history of ice cream and the sandwich, ask the students to make up conversations by looking at the fishbone.

4. Guide to know that when you want to introduce the history of something, you have to answer all the questions above, especially when you are writing an article.

Step 5 Class Closing

1. Guide the students to know that inventions make our life more beautiful, the inventors’ wise make us live better. And we should do as the inventors did, never stop asking why and how.

Step 6 Homework

1. Surf the Internet to find out a history of an invention, make an invention card, and then ask and answer with your partner.

2. Try to write down an article about it.

这篇九年级英语说课稿:新目标Unit 9 Section B说课稿就介绍到这里了,希望大家喜欢!



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