


初中是人生的十字路口,不是避风的港湾,而是拼搏的战场。初中的学习更紧张,竞争更激烈,尽快地掌握科学知识,迅速提高学习能力,特此威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初三英语写作课赛课的九年级英语应用说课稿,供您学习参考!

About My Teaching of English Writing

Writing is as an important skill as listening, speaking and reading for the students to learn English as a foreign language, and that is what I want to emphasize in this teaching period. According to the demands of English Curriculum Standard, I divide the process of English writing into three steps for the students, collecting information before class, writing about people or incidents briefly, revising the drafts with the help of the teacher.

Unhappy experiences caused by bad manners are easy to arouse Ss’ interest, so to begin with I adopt a real one of mine when I design my teaching material. The article shows the students a good sample about how all parts of a passage fit together well, and helps them learn more about how to organize information with the indication of the six questions after reading. Therefore, the students can get a clearer idea about what and how to write before they write their drafts.

Then with the teacher’s help, the students will feel it quite easy to write just simple phrases or sentences according to the topic after the model. Next they work in groups to collect more information and write more phrases they’ve found. Finally, they get fully prepared and begin to write freely about their own experiences with clear ideas in mind. In this way the students’ capability of autonomous learning is strengthened. And as the last step, the students have the chance to make assessment by themselves. That is the reflection of both how much they’ve achieved and what they’re still weak in. In a word, at no matter what level their English is, the students will achieve improvement more or less on writing skills, learning style and being a person with good manners in this teaching period.

由威廉希尔app 独家提供初三英语写作课赛课的九年级英语应用说课稿,让我们一起拼搏吧!!






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