


各位热爱知识的同学们,今天威廉希尔app 初中频道给大家分享的是八年级上册英语unit4说课稿,同学们认真浏览,详细笔记。

一.课题:八年级英语上册  Unit4 Do it yourself! Task


本单元是牛津英语八年级上册第四单元。本单元的七个教学版块内容是围绕着“Do it yourself”这一话题进行教学安排的。“自己动手做”是与现实生活联系密切的一个话题。Task部分则是通过单元基础知识回顾,基础知识练习作为铺垫。学生通过Suzy所写的日记,回顾DIY相关内容,复习归纳本单元关于阐述做DIY工作的词汇和句子,然后了解关于DIY文章的写作构思。最后以Suzy的日记为范本,写一篇关于学生自己做过的DIY工作的日记。本课着重训练学生的写作能力,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。


1. To revise some knowledge about DIY.

2. To learn about the process of writing an article about DIY.

3. To learn to write an article about DIY.


To write a diary entry about one ‘DIY’ job they did.






Step1. Brainstorming and free discussion

1. T: If we want to do well in a DIY job, what should we do?

S: We should learn from others, take a DIY course or practice frequently.

T: In our life, what kind of DIY jobs can we do?

S: We can wash our clothes, make our beds, fix our bikes…

2. T: D you know hoe to make fruit salad and sandwiches?

Ss discuss in groups of four and look back on the ways of making them.

Step2. Lead-in

1. T: When your mother’s birthday is coming, what do you want to give her as birthday presents?

Students answer the question freely.

T: Suzy’s mother birthday is coming. Suzy did a DIY job for her mother. Now let’s see what she did.

Step3. Reading

1. Students listen to the recording and answer questions:

(1) What did Suzy make for her mother?

(2) Why didn’t she make it at home?

(3) Did Sandy help?

(4) How long did they spend making it?

(5) What mistake did Suzy keep making when working on it?

(6) What colour did Suzy use for the roses?

2. Students answer the questions in pairs.

3. Students read Suzy’s diary by themselves and find the general meaning of each paragraph.

Paragraph1: The reason why Suzy made a birthday card.

Paragraph2: How she made the card.

Paragraph3: What happened in the end.

Paragraph4: Suzy’s hope.

4. Play the recording again. Students repeat after the recording sentence by sentence.

Step4: Doing an activity

1. Give students some useful expressions related to the topic “DIY” and ask them to make sentences with useful expressions. Students can also have a competition to see who can finish them fastest.

2. Give students a few minutes to discuss in groups how to write an article, using those sentences.

Step5. Writing

1. Go through the phrases in Part B on page 53.

2. Get students to write a diary one DIY job they did, using the useful expressions and Suzy’s diary to help them.

3. Students check their articles in groups then choose one or two students’ articles and discuss them with the whole class.

Step6. Homework

1. Students finish writing their articles.

2. Revise the words, phrases and sentences.

3. Recite Suzy’s diary.







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