牛津译林版八年级上册英语说课稿范文:School life



多阅读和积累,可以使学生增长知识,使学生在学习中做到举一反三。在此威廉希尔app 初中频道为您提供八年级上册英语说课稿,希望给您学习带来帮助!

Part 1. My understanding of the Teaching Material

1). The analysis of the teaching material:

Reading is a significant part in the whole unit.

The Reading text deals with an article from a school magazine which gives us specific information about what school life in the UK is really like. It develops the theme of school life.

2). The teaching aims

Knowledge aims:

a.       Help the Ss get an idea of school life in the UK and to identify the differences between school life in the UK and in China.

b.      To expand vocabulary of talking about school life.

Ability aims:

a.       Teach Ss to master two of the basic reading skills, skimming and scanning.

b.      Enable the Ss to compare different information given to them, choose useful information needed and make correct decisions.

Emotional aim:

Promote Ss’ love for their school and school lives.

3). Teaching aids

1. Multimedia

2. Photos

3. PPT

4). Teaching focuses and difficulties

a. To get a general idea of the differences of school life in Britain and in China.

b. To master some useful phrases and sentences. For example, at first, spend some time doing sth, for free, pay attention to; I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school. I was glad that… I was very lucky to…

c. To improve the abilities of fast reading and acquiring useful information needed.

Part 2: Teaching Methods and Learning Strategy

Teaching method:

Question-and-answer activity teaching method

Free discussion method

Pairs work and individual work method

Part 3. Teaching procedures

I have designed the following 8 steps to let the Ss master the passage and train their overall abilities, especially reading ability, skimming and scanning.

Step 1. Revision

1. Ask students some questions to revise the last lesson(show them on the screen).

a. Do you know find any information about school life in the UK on the Internet? Tell the class.

b. What kind of school activities do the Ss in the UK enjoy?

c. How is the relationship between Ss and teachers?

Purpose: Through this part, we can consolidate what they studied yesterday and prepare for the new lesson.

Step 2. Lead-in

Show them some photos and encourage Ss to discuss the differences about school life in Britain and in China, and try to think of the reasons for these differences.

Purpose: Increase students’ concentration and arouse their interest in the content of reading. Then bring in the new subject: School life in the UK.

Step 3. the first reading

Ask Ss to go through the passage as quickly as possible, and answer the three Qs in Part A orally. Then ask them to finish the True or False exercises in Part C2 and correct the wrong sentences.

1. How long did Wei Hua stay in Britain?

2. What was the name of Wei Hua’s class teacher?

3. What did Wei Hua make in her Woodwork class?

Method: Read the text individually, use question—and—answer activity teaching method.

Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability to find specific information in the passage and let them have a primary understanding of the passage.

Step4. the second reading

Read the passage again and finish the Qs in Part C1. Then find out the topic sentences.

Purpose: Improve the students’ reading ability to understand the general idea of the text.

Step 5. The third reading

Ask Ss to read the passage carefully, and find out some aspects of school life in British mentioned in Wei Hua’s letter, and finish a table.

Step 6. Consolidation

Retell the passage on their own words according to the topic sentences on the blackboard.

Method: Individual work method.

Purpose: To check whether the students really understand the whole text and whether they master what I mean to tell them in this class.

Step 7. Discussion

Ask Ss to discuss with a partner the following Qs.

1.      What subjects are there in your school? Which do you like best?

2.      Do you want to have the subjects such as Woodwork and Cooking? Why?

3.      Which aspect do you think is better than that in Britain?

Method: Free discussion method

Purpose: I mean to give them emotional education. I want to arouse their interest in study and their love for school life. At the same time, I’d like to practice their ability of speaking and master the words about school life.

Step 8. Homework

Write an article about their own daily school life in China.

Purpose: I want to improve the ability of writing.

That’s all for my teaching plan about this lesson. Thank you for your listening.



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