外研版八年级上册英语unit1说课稿怎么写(How to learn English)



学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了八年级上册英语unit1说课稿,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!

1.      describe what’s happening in the movie Doraemonusing the following phrases:

a)       bedifficult/easy for sb. to do

b)       Tobegin with, … Later on, …

c)       beafraid to

d)       take notes

e)       beimpressed

f)        writesentences using the grammar I have learnt

2.      find some problems in learning English

3.      find some solutions to the problems inlearning English

4.      reading strategy: scanning and skimming

Teaching steps:

1. Leading-in:

Have you ever wanted something like memorybread before you have the tests?

Do you afraid to take the tests?

Some of my students are afraid to take thetests. They have some problems in learning English. Would you like to give themsome suggestions?

Thanks. But beforethat, could you tell me if you have any problems in learning English?

2. Groupdiscussion, brainstorm

*         Listening

*         Speaking

*         Grammar

*         Vocabulary

*         Reading

*         Culture

3. Make a survey

Some of my students do have some problemsin learning English. What are their problems? (watch the video clip)

Student A: We have started learning more and more about English grammar.I take grammar notes in every English class. I work very hard. But I find itvery difficult to remember the notes and I can’t use them well either. What canI do?

Student B: I like watching English movies, but I don’t think it’shelpful to my English. Because the actors always speak so fast that I can’tfollow them. So I end up in reading the subtitles. What should I do?

Student C: There are more and more English words. How can Iremember them all?


Student A

Student B

Student C

read the passagevery quickly and find out what problems she had? You may circle her problems inthe passage.

4. Scanning:listening/speaking/grammar

Her English has improved since she starteddoing something. How does her English get better? Read the passage again. Write“T” for the true statements and “F” for the false statements.

*         goingout with English-speaking friends

*         lotsof listening practice

*         usinggrammar in original sentences

5. Skimming:

What are her solutions to each problem? Pleaseread the passage once again more carefully and try to fill in the chart.

problems   solutions

listening   It doesn’t  matter if you don’t understand every word. Doing lots of listening practice  is helpful.

speaking   Watch English-language  TV

grammar   Take lots of  grammar notes. Write original sentences using the grammar you have learned.

Can you learnanything from her learning experience?

Do you still remembermy other three students? We still haven’t solved their problems yet. Now do youknow what suggestions you might give? Try to give them some suggestionsaccording to this student’s experience and your own learning experience.

problem   solutions

Student A

Student B

Student C

Can you work ingroups and try to give some ideas that may help? Write the students a letterand tell them what may help. One of you is going to report what you have foundto the whole class.

6. Homework:

Finish the letter

Think about howyou learned to learn some other subject. Write a letter about that, too.

现在是不是感觉威廉希尔app 为大家准备的八年级上册英语unit1说课稿很关键呢?欢迎大家阅读与选择!



八年级英语《Why don't you talk to your parents?》说课稿范文  



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