




8B Unit 4 A good read

Welcome to the unit

Teaching Aims:

1. To be able to identify different types of reads

2. To learn to talk about our favourite reads

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warming up

Discuss some questions:

Do you like reading?

What type of book do you like?

Step 2 Presentation

Show some pictures to learn new words.

Step 3 Comic strip

1. Show the flash.

2. Listen and answer.

1) Has Hobo decided what to do with the books?

2) What does Hobo want to use the books to do?

3. Act out the conversation.

Step 4 Ask students to complete Part A on page 49.

Step 5 Listen and answer

Listen to part B and answer the following question.

1) What is Daniel reading?

2) Why does he like reading history books?

3) Does Sandy like reading history books?

4) What does Sandy like to read in her spare time?

Step 6 Read after the recorder and practise in pairs.

A: What do you like to read in your spare time?

B: I like reading……….

A: Why do you like reading……..

B: Because……

Step 7 Notes

1. Have you decided what to do with these books, Hobo?


句中“疑问词what + 动词不定式”结构作宾 语,该结构中的疑问词还可用


e.g. I did not know how to get away.


2. I like reading novels and plays. The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French

writer Victor Hugo is great.

我喜欢阅读小说和戏剧, 法国作家维克多·雨果的《巴黎圣母院》很棒。












生活,直到一场嘉年华会上遇到了吉普赛女郎艾斯美拉达(Esmeralda), 他


3. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched me.


touch vt. 感动, 触动

e.g. His sad story touched our hearts.


Step 8 Exercises


1. I am reading a book about c ________.It teaches me how to cook nice food.

2. Lu Xun is a famous w___________ in China. He wrote many n________.

3. Have you d_________ what to do next.

4. We u______ pens to write.

5. In short, h_______ is more important than wealth.

II. 翻译短语。

1. 怎样处理这些书

2. 给我一本小说

3. 用某物来做某事

4. 冰箱上的盒子

5. 一本关于德国二战的书

6. 对…感兴趣

7. 提高某人的知识

8. 法国作家

Step 9 Homework

1. Read the text book and learn the new words and phrases by heart.

2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.

Reading I

Teaching Aims:

1. To get some idea about Gulliver’s travel in Lilliput

2. To learn to describe Gulliver’s travel

3. To master the words and phrases in this text

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Revision

Translate the following phrases.

1. 怎样处理这些书

2. 给我一本小说

3. 用某物来做某事

4. 冰箱上的盒子

5. 一本关于德国二战的书

6. 对…...感兴趣

7. 提高某人的知识

8. 法国作家

Step 2 Presentation

Watch a video and present Gulliver’s travel

Step 3 Words & phrases review

1. Let some students spell the words.

2. Read after the teacher.

3. Read together.

against tiny

be tried out fall over

tie continue

over either

stomach manage

until lift

finger army

must unable

4. Match the words on the left with the meaning on the right.

1 against ______

2 tired out ______

3 tie ______

4 tiny ______

5 continue ______

6 manage ______

Step 4 Reading

1. Listen to text and answer the questions:

a keep doing something b very small c finish what you have tried to do d very tired e hitting something f hold things together with ropes

1) What did he do after their ship crash against the rocks?

2) When did he wake up?

3) How did he feel?

4) How tall was the small man?

5) When he shouted to the small men, what happened?

6) Did he understand what the small man said?

2. Sandy wants to explain what happened to Gulliver. She wrote down some notes on a piece of paper, but her mother tore it up by mistake. Read the passage carefully by yourselves and help her match the events with their causes. 1 Gulliver fell down on the beach and went to sleep. _____

2 Gulliver found himself unable to move. _______

3 The tiny men all fell over. _____

4 Gulliver got one hand free. _____

5 Gulliver wanted to run away. _____

a He managed to break the ropes.

b His arms, legs and hair were tired to the ground.

c He was tired out after swimming for a long time

d He saw a huge army of tiny people coming towards him.

e Gulliver shouted at them.

3. Sandy made some notes of Gulliver’s story. Help her check for mistakes. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is a false.

1) Gulliver’s ship crashed against the rocks. ___

2) When Gulliver woke up, it was almost evening. ____

3) A tiny man climbed onto Gulliver’s body and stood on his shoulder. _____

4) Gulliver shouted at the tiny men, but they were not afraid. _____

5) Gulliver talked with the small men. _____

6) Gulliver finally pulled his right hand free. ___

4. Kitty is also interested in the story. She is asking Sandy about it. Help Sandy answer her questions.

1) Kitty: What did Gulliver do after their ship crashed against the rocks? Sandy: ______________________________







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