鲁教版初二下学期英语说课稿范文:Unit 1 When was heborn? 




通过学生熟悉的句型How old are you ?和When is your birthday?引出When were you born?及When was he born?句型及回答。引出了本节课的课题。




1.First show a picture of  Yao Ming and ask students three questions.

A: Who’s that ?

B: That ‘s …

A: What does he do ?        B: He is …

A: When was he born?        B: He was born in …

Then show some pictures of famous stars. Ask students to talk about them.


2.1b Listening

First  play the tape of Part 1b , and get the students to listen and write the year the sports star was born. Finish the teaching task of Part 1b. Then check the answers.


3.2a&2b Listening

Get the students look at the picture and teach them the words hiccup and sneeze .And point out the columns in the chart and read the column headings to the class. Then explain the meaning of the words at the top of each column. Finish the chart on the book.



4.2c  Pairwork

According to the chart, finish the dialogue . Ask students to work in pairs. Then ask some students to act it out.



5.Guessing game


(三) 第三教学环节:小结(Summary)

Key words:    be born    record   sneeze   hiccup

start doing sth.     stop doing sth.

Sentences:    1.--When was he born?

-- He was born in 1895.

2.--How long did he hiccup?

--He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months. 3.--When did he start hiccupping?  --He started hiccupping in 1922.


(四) 第四教学环节:布置作业(Homework)

Write a passage about your favorite star.




初二下学期英语说课稿范文:Unit 3 Online tours  

八年级下册英语说课稿范文: Past and present  



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