初二下学期英语说课稿范文:Unit 3 Online tours



( drawing and designing , sending and receiving e-mails , word-processing , computer games , writing computer programs , searching for information )


III Lead-in


Today I will you a present , it’s for you . Do you know what it is?

( a book and five CD-ROMS )

2) 告诉学生这本书和光碟的相关信息,并教学新单词。

I bought the book and the CD-ROMS in He Fei a week ago. It’s very interesting. I read and watch them every day. Do you know what is in the book and the five CD-ROMS. Please learn some new words and find out the information in the description.

New words:

daily course cover function order include


IV Listening text

1) Get the students to listen to the listening text in A1,and ask them to get the main idea and fill the blanks.

2) Get the students to listen to the listening text in A1 again , and ask them to finish off the part. Check the answers in class.

3) Some simple questions to ask about this part.


a) What does this course include ?

b) What is the course good for ?

c) What can you learn from the course ?

d) Where can you go on short online tours?

4) Read it aloud together.


5)Get the students to listen to the listening text in A2,and ask them to write the names of icons in the blanks.

6) Get the students to listen to the listening text in A2 again, and ask them to match the icons with the functions.

7) Pairwork ( ask and answer )

For example:

When you click the “ear” icon , what can you do ?

( listen to people talking )


V Discussion

What can you do on the internet ?


VI Homework

1) Review what we have learn today, read A1and A2.

2) Preview P51and P52, and finish off the exercises .




八年级下册英语说课稿范文:Unit 7 Food festival 

初二英语下册说课稿范例:Unit 6 Enjoying cycling  



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