2014最新推荐初中二年级英语说课稿Go for it



2014最新推荐初中二年级英语说课稿Go for it

1.The status and function of the textbook

The educational policy of “Go for it ”is knowledge used in action. It emphasizes learning by doing .”Go for it ” uses the Task-Based Language Teaching pattern, blended together the topic, the communication function and the language structure has formed in an adaptation learning program which proceeded in an orderly way, enhanced the student study the English and actual ability.

2.The analysis of the text

This lesson`s topic is “Would you mind doing sth?”. It talks about how to ask sb to do sth in the politest way. From this lesson, students can know how to communicate with others in the politest way and use the sentences correctly. And also, students will be able to give their advice and suggestions politely and gently.

3.Teaching goals(教学目标)

(1)Knowledge objects:

Key vocabularies: mind not at all, turn down, yard, right away

(2)Ability objects:

to train students` ability of  speaking, listening , and cooperative ability.

4.Teaching key points(教学重点)

(1) Key structures : Would you mind +gerund?

Would you mind not +gerund?

No, not at all.

Sorry, I’ll do it right away.

(2)Key vocabulary

(3)Listening practice

5.Teaching difficulties(教学难点)

Compare :

(1) Would you mind (not) doing sth?

(2) Could you please do sth?

(3) Please do sth

(4) You have to do sth

6.Teaching Aids(教学用具)

Multi-media, a song, pictures, recorder, tape

II£Ⅲ.  The teaching methods and learning methods

Next I am going to talk about the teaching methods and learning methods. You know, the students in my class, their English foundation is not so good, so I must choose some methods to activate their desire to speak out. Communicative, speaking and listening, these three methods will be suitable for teacher’s teaching and enhancing students’ interest in English learning. I set up seven Steps. It is a pattern with words – sentences – game – sketch – practical use. In different activities, ask students to take part in class actively and develop their cooperation in the pairwork, groupwork and other extending activities. It is real ‘learning by doing’.

Ⅳ. Analysis of learning condition

Learning condition is also very important in a successful reading class. The   students in my class are not active. Their language foundation is somewhat poor, especially their speaking ability. But they are cooperative and can be activated. The classroom facilities are modernized, which is a classroom with computer, TV sets even DVDS, which are very important to create the English-learning atmosphere. Other means can also be applied to create the atmosphere.

V. Teaching procedure

Next let’s come to the most important part, that is, the teaching procedure. It includes seven


Step1 Lead-in

The first step is greeting and lead-in. After greeting, I will ask them sing a song ‘we will rock you.’ It is in order to create an English learning atmosphere. Then induce a PK among four groups though the whole class. And they will have a guessing game about ‘What’s wrong with MissLe?’ of course, they will give me different answers in different sentences patterns. At last, I will show them 4 answers, and let them compare which one is the politest. They are:   (1) You have to close the window.

(2) Could you please close the window?

(3) Please close the window.

(4) Would you mind closing the window?

‘Would you mind +gerund?’is the most politest way to make a request.

Step2 Explain

Then, I will give them a further explain about the sentence structure, which is the usage of the structure, what’ more, I’ll show them some vivid examples to give them a deep impression about the practical use.

For example:

• (1)-Would you mind moving you bike?

•     - No, not at all.

• (2)-Would you mind not singing here?

•     - Sorry, I will go right away.


Next, 4 pictures are shown on the screen, just for students’ further practical use of the sentence structure. In this period, I’ll ask some groups to make conversations, so they can finish the task under the cooperative and communicative work. It is a good way to have a rational understanding about key structure.

A: Would you mind … ing …?

B: Sorry. I will do it right away. / No, not at all.

1 cleaning the yard                    2 turning down the music

3 (not) playing basketball in the street     4 moving your car

Step4 Matching and Listening

Point to the four requests in the box of Section A 1a. ask students to repeat them. Then help Ss to finish 1a.

Let students listen to the tape and number the requests. Listen carefully. Write the numbers after the requests.

Play the recording again and let Ss imitate the four conversations.

Through the listening and imitating, students can be more confident with their spoken English.


Next step I’m going to talk about the practice. First, I’ll let students collect as many as marks in daily life in their mind, then I will show them four familiar marks: Don’t smoke,

Please save water, Don’t walk through, Don’t park.(停放), after that encourage them to translate the sentence in the pattern ‘Would you mind +gerund?’.

This step can used to Expand their knowledge and make sure that students are able to master the sentence structure.

Step5 A great task

A dreaming school

I call this period as a‘a great task’, because in this extending step, students in 4 groups are asked to write down their suggestions and advice for their teachers and schoolmates about how to form a clean, civilized and homonious school from students’ study, habit, image and ect.. No doubt, students are sure to use the sentence pattern again. Students can display their imagination by using the structure.

Step6 Homework

Now comes the last step, homework. There are three homework for them to finish.

◆  Please copy the Grammar Focus for 3 times;

◆   Collect “would you mind+ gerund” as many as possible in class;

◆   Put the sentences below into English by using “would you mind+ gerund”.

1. 你介意打扫一下教室吗?

2. 你能否不在课堂上说话?

3. 你介意把音乐声关小点吗?

4. 你介意开下窗户吗?

5. 你介意移开你的脚吗?

6. 抱歉,我马上去做.






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