初二英语说课稿How was your school



聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。我们要振作精神,下苦功学习。小编准备了初二英语说课稿How was your school,希望能帮助到大家。

Period 1: Listening and speaking Unit 8 How was your school trip? Book 8 A PEP Go for it!

Hello, everyone. I’m glad to present my lesson plan here. I’m XXX from Wenzhou No. 2 Middle School. The lesson plan I am going to talk about is from Unit 8, Book 8A, Go for it! How was your school trip? This is Period 1, listening and speaking. Let’s take a look at these aspects. (slide)

I. Analysis of teaching material and learners

First, I’d like to analyze the teaching material and learners. The main task for the students is to talk about their experiences, which is one of their favorite topics. Even though the students have learnt the past tense forms of some verbs, they may feel hard to talk about their experiences using the newly learnt words and expressions as well as sentence structures. Luckily, 2a and 2b offer good models to imitate. Thus, enough practice to learn words, phrases and sentences related to talking about their experiences will be organized. Because only with enough input can we expect effective output.

II. Learning objectives

Based on the analysis above, I set the following learning objectives. Firstly, language knowledge and skills. By the end of the lesson, the students will be better able to talk about their experiences, including weekend activities, school trip activities by using newly learnt words and expressions and the past tense forms of the verbs (slide). Secondly, affect. During the class, they will be happy to share their experience and be happy to learn the language by doing memory challenge and story telling. Thirdly, learning strategy. They will learn to work in groups summarizing what they have learnt under the teacher’s instruction.

These are the language focuses and these are the anticipated difficulties (slide). The students may find it difficult to talk about their experiences and make long conversations. So in order to help the students carry out the learning tasks smoothly, I will first give them enough exercises to help them be familiar with the following past tense forms of the verbs:have (had), go (went), eat (ate), see (saw), take (took), buy (bought), hang (hung), win (won). Second, some activities will be organized, aiming at using the new words and expressions and the past tense forms of the verbs at sentence level. Third, before making their own conversations, I will show them two conversation models.

III. Teaching procedure

In order to help the students to learn efficiently, I will adopt 3P Model and design some tasks at the stage of production. This is the teaching procedure (slide). Let’s take a look step by step.

At the beginning of the lesson, I will talk about the things happened last weekend with students. Some questions will be asked like “Did you go to the zoo? What did you do? Were there many people there?” These questions can arouse students’ interest and lead them into the topic naturally.

Step 2 is review. After warming up, the students will be asked to list things which happened last weekend in groups of four. Thus, the past tense forms of the verbs that students have learnt will be reviewed, which lays the foundation of this lesson. Then girls and boys will have a competition to guess what I did last weekend. They can ask questions like “Did you…?” or “Were there…?” It will make the classroom atmosphere relaxing as well as help the students review the structures while talking about their experiences.

Step 3 is presentation and practice. First, I will tell the students that I went to an aquarium and then I will show them some pictures of the things I saw. Thus, the new words (slide) will be learned vividly with the aid of pictures. Based on the former activity, the students will use the structures (slide) to take a memory challenge. With this activity, the class is warmed up and a chance to use the newly learnt words will be created.

Then, I will show some pictures of the things I did in the aquarium. The students will be led to learn the past tense forms of some verbs to talk about their experiences. Again, another memory challenge will be carried out. The students will use the structures (slide) to practice using the newly learnt words. Up to this activity, all the target language items have been presented and practiced.

After the students have learnt the new words and practiced so much about the structures, I will lead them to the listening activity. With all the preparation before, it will not be difficult for them to listen and circle the things they hear. After listening, I will show the conversation models of 2a and 2b for the students to read and learn. These two conversation models can show the students how to ask and answer about one’s experiences. This can provide perfect models for the students to imitate in the later activities.

With enough input, valid output can be expected. Next step is production. There are two activities in this step. Activity 1 is making a survey. The students will be asked to do a survey on their own school trips according to the table I give to them. One student will interview the other 3 students in groups of four by using the questions they have learnt in the listening. This task in a real life situation can again arouse students’ interest and involve the whole class, which can help them make conversations after the model they have learnt in the previous step. Activity 2 is story telling. It’s “chain story”. I will give the students the beginning of the story and ask them to continue in groups of four. As the output stage of the lesson, it is necessary to organize an activity to check the students’ learning of new words and expressions as well as to share their happy experiences.

At the end of the class, I will create a situation that a friend from UK had a wonderful school trip. The students will be asked to raise questions about his trip as well as come up with words to talk about one’s trip. This summary activity will help the students reflect on what they’ve learned in this class and learn the method of summarizing.

For homework assignment, I will ask the students to work in pairs to imitate the conversations of 2a and 2b and then make up a new conversation on the topic of “My trip to …” using past tense forms of the verbs and at least eight questions. The accuracy of the use of verb’s past tense, the number of the questions as well as the integrity of the conversation will be assessed. They are asked to do it orally with their partners and some pairs will be asked to present their conversations before class and all of their written work will be handed in next day. This homework assignment will not only help the students consolidate what they have learnt in class, and help them cooperate with each other and learn from each other, but also help me get the feedback information.

IV. Blackboard notes

Finally, the blackboard notes (slide). On the left are all the key words the students should master in this lesson as well as the verb forms of past tense. In the middle, the useful sentence structures are presented, which can help students learn and use in communicative classroom activities.

V. Shining points

To sum up, I’ll combine PPT model (presentation, practice and test) and PPP model (presentation, practice and production) when teaching vocabulary and sentence structure. After the presentation and practice of the new vocabulary, I will first organize a memory test, and then students will be asked to do chain story activity to produce the language in communication. In this way, they will be real communicators in learning and using language. That’s all for my presentation. Thank you!

小编为大家整理的初二英语说课稿How was your school就先到这里,希望大家学习的时候每天都有进步。


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