






1. M:Whose bags are those ?

W:The blue one is Lucy’s ,and the green one ie Lily’s.

2.M:I’d like to read some books, but I can’t  find the library. Can you help me ?

W:Certainly . I’ll drive you there.

3.M:Is this red car yours ?

W: No, it isn’t. My car is white.

4.M: May I have a look at the green jacket ?

W: Sure. What size do you wear ?

5.M:Hello, Jim ! Is your aunt an Englishwoman?

W:No, she isn’t.She lives in England, but she is Japanese.


听第一段对话,回答第6--7 两个小题。

W:Which country do you like best ?

M:I like the UK best,because the people there are very nice. How about you ?

W:I like the UK and I often go there .

M:Do you have friends there ?

W:No. My grandparents are living there .I often visit them.


M:Excuse me . Is there a bank near  here ?

W: Yes, there is one near the Sunshine Supermarket.

M:Where is the Sunshine Supermarket ?

W:Go along this street, and take the first turning on the right,then the second turning on the left……

M:I’m sorry. I can’t follow you.

W:Well. You can take No.3 bus.It will take you there. The bus stop is over there.

M:Thank you.

III. 听短文,选择正确的答案。(10分)

Hello , my name is Linda. I’m from Tokyo. I’m going to show you around my place. I’m living with my family in a tall building. It only takes us 20 minutes to go to the city centre by underground. Around our building there are busy streets. On the ground floor of the building is a ver y large shopping mall. We live in a flat with three bedrooms on the fifth floor. In our flat my favourite room is the dining room. Every night I can have dinner with my parents there .



1---5.BDBCC       6----10CBDDB    11---15.BDBBC

III .完形填空  (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

1----5.BCBBA             6----10.CDACC

IV、阅读理解 (满分30分)

1-----5.  CACAA

6-----10. CCDBA




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