看完七年级英语unit2教学计划,相信老师们对教学规划应该有了清楚的掌握,更多教学参考资料尽在威廉希尔app !
课题名称 |
《Clothes and colours》M3 U1 Colours and clothes |
科 |
英语 |
年 |
教学时间 |
1课时(40分钟) |
学习者 分析 |
三年级学生对学习英语正兴趣盎然,很少有负积累的情况,因此在课堂上要尝试让他们体会到用英语交流的喜悦。由于三年级的学生形象思维占主导,颜色与衣物的学习,正符合他们的学知特点,因此本节课我充分调动孩子们的感官,让他们充分的参与到活动中来,为今后轻松自然地学习英语打下良好的基础。 本节课,我以学生为主体,借助游戏、歌曲、自编chant,尽可能使学生充满学习的热情,激发他们学习兴趣集中他们的注意力,避免单调枯燥。由于孩子们刚起步学英语,在学习过程中表达方面可能要欠缺一些,教师需起到示范作用,创设一个较为真实的情境,让他们在模仿中进行交际,最终达到学以致用,真实运用所学语言知识。 |
… 教学目标 |
一、情感态度与价值观 1. 学生在观看课件、做游戏等环节中了解男女着装的区别。 2. 使学生有兴趣说英语,敢于开口,提高参与精神。 3. 通过任务型途径,帮助学生形成积极学习的态度,并培养合作的精神。 |
二、过程与方法 1. 通过观看课件和辨别实物认识本课新单词; 2. 创设情境并与游戏相结合,使学生增强交际与会话的能力; 3. 通过观看课件演示,思考、知道正确表达she/ he has…
三、知识与技能 1. 2.
教学重点、难点 |
1. 听说认读表示服装的四个单词,dress ,shirt,T-shirt,blouse句型:Who is she/he? 2.单词blouse的发音是个难点. 句子He/she has…表达较长。 |
教学资源 |
单词卡片、多媒体课件、(实物):服装 |
教学过程 |
教学活动1(热身与复习) |
一、Warming-up 1.Sing a song “The rainbow” 2. Review the colours. Show some colour papers tostudents. T: What colour are they? Ss:They are…(blue Read and recognize them |
教学活动2(呈现新知) |
二、Presentation: 1. Show the topic. T: today we’ll learn colours and clothes. Ss read the topic together. 2. The teacher leads the new with actions. (T turns a round.) T: Boys and girls, look at me.Today I have a dress.What colour is it? Ss:It’s black and white . T:Yes,I have a black and white dress. 3. Show CAI T: Look! Who is she ? T: Yes.She has a dress today. Present the words: dress Read the words one by one : A dress--- a red dress---She has a red dress. (活动意图)借助PPT逐一呈现.本环节,通过单词-短语-句子的机械操练,很快让学生理解了句意。 4. In the same way to show: A shirt ---a yellow shirt ---He(She) has a A T-shirt---a blue T-shirt--- He(She) has a blue T-shirt. blouse : T: What’s this? Is it a T-shirt? Ss:No. T: It’s a dress. It’s girl’s. Girls read the word. Boys read the word. Read together. Chant: I’m a little mouse. I’m in the house. I have a blouse. Do you have a blouse? Show the PPT: Xiao shenyang is very fuuny, because he has a blouse. ( 活动意图)为了纠正ou的发音,教师自编一段chant,从而使学生记住女式衬衫blouse这个单词,为培养学生的良好语音语调打下扎实的基础。小沈阳穿着花衬衣的图片使学生明白了衣服穿错会闹出笑话,从而在笑声中记住blouse 意义) 5.play the recorder. T: Listen carfully and read loudly. Ss read the wors loudly. Write in Chinese. 6.show words T clicks four words and read together. |
教学活动3(操练新知) |
1. Play a game. Find friends. Show the pictures.Ask students to put them on the board correctly. Ss stick the pictures on the board. (活动意图) 此环节是让学生迅速将单词图片放在板书女孩和男孩旁边,辨别衣物的所属。在初步掌握单词的基础上,迅速给学生一个任务,让他们完成,体现了英语教学的任务型途径。 2. Guessing game T: Let’s play a game.look around our classroom. Find your classmates.Who’s she/he?listen carefully please. She has a yellow and pink.blouse.Who’s she? Ss answer. One of Ss say,others try to guess. (活动意图) 这个游戏使学生增强交际与会话的能力,同时增强课堂学习的趣味性,让学生在时间练习的过程中不感到枯燥。 3. T:Look carefully. She has a red and white dress.Who is she?She is … He has a green and grey T-shirt.Who is he? He is … She has a pink andyellowblouse.Who is she?She is … he has ablue and white shirt.Who is he?He is … Ss read and think. Write the answer on the book. (活动意图)通过点击电脑,将人物名字去掉,学生阅读思考,将信息储存在头脑里,最终将信息输出,把答案正确填写在课本上。 4.Group work All of you did very well.Now,let’s have a fashion show by ourselves.Let’s begin from group 1.(准备时间3分钟) 1. Try to say in own group. 2.Show time. (活动意图)利用时装秀表演,鼓励学生边表演边描述自己的衣服,这样既巩固了今天所学语言点,实现了会话又增强了团队精神。 |
教学活动4作业拓展 |
1.Tell your parents what you learnt in this class. 2. Listen to the tape and read after the tape. (活动意图)低段英语的作业还是以听说为主,而学生在家里缺少说英语的良好氛围,因此让学生在家里当父母的英语老师,是一个在家说英语的好方法。 |
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