仁爱版七年级英语教学计划模板:unit1 Making friends(第四课时)



威廉希尔app 为大家整理了七年级英语教学计划,希望对大家有所帮助。仔细阅读,并祝各位同学在学期中快乐。



语言项目:1.不同句型的Rising voice / Falling voice

2.使用Rising voice来表示疑问和不确定,如:Green? Twelve?


教学内容所在页码:牛津版初中教材一年级Unit1 Making friends

Speaking 里面的Part A 与Part B page9-10


1、通过一系列的活动,是学生活用Wh-question 来进行提问,并能作出相应的回答。



教学环节/活动设计 设计理由

Step1: Setting the scene (2') :

● Watch a short video

(It's about a simple dialogue between the strangers who met in the party)

Step2: Listen and take note (2')

●Replay the video and ask the students to note down the sentences with the rising voice and the sentences with the falling voice.

Step3: Check and analyze (6')

● Present the sentence with the rising voice and the sentences with the falling voice of the video by PPT.

● Analyze the rules of the video of rising voice and falling voice.

Step4: Practice

● Mechanical practice (5')

ⅠRead after the the teacher

(present several sentences with different voices)

ⅡPlay a game

If the teacher read the sentence with right voice, the students follow suit, if not, the students should keep silent

● Meaningful practice (8')

Role-play to be done with the form of A2 in the book within

2 minute, and ask the students to come to the platform to have

a performance.. While performing, the rest of the students need to pay attention to the performer's voice whether it is right or wrong.

● Communicative practice (15')

Dectective Game:

T asks the students close their eyes, and chooses one student at random to be the criminal who has to hide hid identity, the rest of the students to be the policeman. Then ask the students to open their eyes and use the question words, such a " what", "where" , "when ", "How many", How old", to ask for the information of the criminal

.(T won't give the student's explicit information, such as "his/her name", "The position he or she is in")

After one turn, the teacher can choose one student to come to the platform, and ask him to choose one student to be the criminal and answer the question of the policemen.

Step5.Assignment (2')

● Make a dialogue in pair and act it out in next class

● Do the exercise in the exercise book.

● Read A2in the book correctly







仁爱版七年级英语教学计划模板:unit1 Making friends  

仁爱版七年级英语教学计划模板:unit1 Making friends(第一课时) 


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