初一上册英语教学计划范文:Lesson 2 What Do They Look Like?



Teaching Process(教学过程):

Step 1.Listening to the tape carefully.

Step 2.Learning new words and phrases on PPT.

Step 3.Learning text: Hair and eyes and Gray hair and glasses

Step 4.Ask students read the text to check if they are right

Step 5 Divide the whole class into several groups. Let them make a survey with the new words and phrases.  E.g. how many people in your family wear glasses?

How many people in your family have gray hair? Etc.

Who are they?

Step 6 let the students draw a simple picture about their family then chant with their partner. The more important is to tell the partner the specialty of each person in your family

Step 7 Show

Let one student act an old person with gray hair, the other students act young students with different color hair.

Design of the Blackboard(板书设计):

Lesson 3: What do they look like?

1.Hair and eyes

short, straight and black hair


short, curly and blond hair


long straight and red hair


2. Gray hair and glasses 灰白的头发和眼镜


Exercise book P5-6

Teaching Conclusion(教学总结):

After this lesson, students are wished to remember the mastery words and phrases. Furthermore, they should practice their oral English as much as possible. They will know how to make a survey. Moreover, they should say their own specialties.

威廉希尔app 为大家编辑的初一上册英语教学计划范文,大家仔细品味了吗?祝大家学期生活愉快。






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