


完成了小学阶段的学习,进入紧张的初中阶段。这篇初一英语下册教学计划,是威廉希尔app 初中频道特地为大家整理的,欢迎阅读。

教学目标:1. Review all words in unit 6.

2. Understand the article of exercise2.

3. Ask for or give directions inside a given building freely.

Teaching steps:

Step I. Key word check.

Give the students 5 minutes to prepare, then have a dictation.

Step II. Exercise 3.

New words: culture palace western eastern hall painting by back gate

Phrases: welcome to… on the left/right and so on

Teach themselves.

(1). Work in groups to catch the meaning of the article.

(2). Match the pictures with the map.

Step III. Fill in the blanks with the map.

Go along Bridge Street, then turn right. You can see _______ on your right.

Go along Bridge Street, take the second turning on the left, then walk along First Avenue you’ll see______ on your left.

Start from the supermarket, walk along First Avenue turn right, walk along Bridge Street, then turn right again, you’ll see ______ on your left.

Supermarket Bookshop

First Avenue

Bus station Library

Second Avenue

Bank Hospital

Step IV. Just for Fun.

Ask the students to act out. (Pay attention to the tone.)






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