七年级英语下册教学计划:Unit 6第二课时



各位热爱知识的同学们,今天威廉希尔app 初中频道给大家分享的是七年级英语下册教学计划,同学们认真浏览,详细笔记。

教学目标:1. 练习用介词短语介绍方位: between… and…


in front of…

next to

2.巩固运用句型: Where’s the dance music?

Where are the CDs?

What’s Bob’s favorite kind of music?

Who’s Carla’s favorite group?

Teaching Steps:

Step I. Lead in

The teacher takes out a pen、a pencil and an eraser.

Ask: where’s the pen?

It’s behind the pencil.

Where’s the pencil?

It’s between the pen and the eraser.

Where’s the eraser?

It’s next to the pen.

Where’s the pencil?

It’s in front of the pen.

Step II. Ask four students to come to the front, and ask students to describe their location using the words next to , behind, between…and, in front of.

Step III. 2a Match the sentences with the pictures.

Step IV. Now you’re going to hear some conversations. People are asking the clerk for different kinds of CDs. Listen to the conversations and write on the map where each music section is in the store.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

Play the recording again.

Check the answers.

Step V. Make conversations with the map above.( show the map)

Example: Where’s the pop music? Go upstairs and turn right.

It’s next to the dance music.

(1). The students work in pairs.

(2). Ask someone to act out.

Step VI. (1) Answer these questions.

What’s your favorite kind of music?

Who’s your favorite group?

(2)Pair work

Ask and answer the questions to fill in the chart.

Student A, look at Page 33

Student B, look at Page 84.

VII. Work in groups.

Read the conversation with a student.

The students ask their classmates about their favorite groups or singers.(set a time limit of ten minutes.)

Ask students to describe the musical tastes of the other students in their group.

Homework: make sentences with next to , between… and … ,in front of, behind, across from.






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