


对于老师制作好的教学计划,有利于新课的讲授,威廉希尔app 为大家编辑了仁爱版七年级数学第五单元教学计划模板,希望对大家有所帮助。

词汇 gate, the same to, by, always, come on, on foot, plane, by plane, train, ship, boat, Ms., group 1A

掌握 weekday, early, bird, catch, walk, never, sometimes, ride, park, game 1B today, life, American, break, finish, basketball, read, clean, house, dance, library, once, twice, week, every, must, first, listen, music 1C while, taxi 1D playground, lab, room, dining hall, gym, classroom, building, pool, card, soon, physics 2A borrow, course, of course, shelf, keep, return, pleasure, post, talk, purse, money, else, lost and found 2B plan, center, in the center of, near, left, next to, attention, news, between, movie, program, stamp, show, world 2C exercise, because, Japanese, wonderful, also 2D Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, geography, Thursday, P.E., Friday, art, period, history, math, meeting, outdoor activity, lesson, draw, learn 3A easy, interesting, difficult, boring, subject 3B other, February, newspaper, science, useful, hard, wish 3C story 3D usually, subway 1A

理解 hmm, worm 1B Net Bar 1C dormitory, ha 2A project, workbook, better 2B collection 2C biology, timetable, politics 3A

语言知识 类别 内 容 语法 1.一般现在时(Simple present)

2.频度副词(Adverbs of frequency)

never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always, once, twice...

3.现在进行时(Present continuous)

I'm looking for my purse.

Are you doing your homework? Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

Is he/she...? Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn't.

What are you doing? I'm making cards.

What is he/she doing? He/She is...


What time does the class begin? At ten o'clock.

Why do you like it? Because it's easy and interesting. 功

能用语与话题 1.谈论交通方式(Talking about means of transportation)?

-How do you usually go to school??

-I usually go to school on foot.


Our new friend today is Michael from Class 4, Grade 7.

3.谈论日常生活(Talking about daily and weekly routines)?

4.学校建筑(School buildings)?

swimming pool, playground, library, dormitory, lab, gym, classroom building

5.谈论兴趣喜好(Talking about interests, likes and dislikes)?

Which subject do you like best? I like history best. ?

Why do you like it? Because it's easy and interesting.

6.借物(Borrowing things)?

How long can I keep them? Two weeks.


Attention, please! Here is the news.

8.谈论学校活动、科目和时间表(Talking about school activities, subjects and timetables)

9.谈论学校生活(Talking about school life) 语言技能 听 能听懂谈论校园生活中比较熟悉的话题,识别主题,获取主要信息。 说 1.能根据提示词说出意思连贯的关于校园生活的句子。?



4.能与他人合作进行角色扮演,表现校园生活。 读 1.能理解简单的书面表达。?


3.能读懂表现校园生活的文章,包括校园新闻、海报、遗失声明、失物招领等。 写 1.能写出表现校园生活的简单句子。?

2.能写出简单的校园新闻、海报、遗失声明、失物招领等。 情

态度 培养学生积极向上的情感、活泼开朗的个性、浓厚的学习兴趣和大胆实践的精神,提高学习效率,培养学生热爱学校生活,乐于参加学校各种实践活动的意识。 学习策略 积极探索适合自己的英语学习方法,利用现实生活中的学习资源,培养任务型学习方法与技巧。 Topic 1 How do you usually go to school?

Section A

The main activities are 1a and 3a. 本课重点活动是1a和3a。

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标

1.(1)Learn the adverbs of frequency and some ways of transportation:

usually, always, by bike, by subway, by bus, on foot, by plane, by train, by ship/boat

(2)Learn other new words and phrases:

gate, Ms., group, the same to, come on

2. Learn the simple present tense:

-Do you often come to school by bike?

-Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

3. Talk about how to go to school:

-How do you usually come to school?

-I usually come to school by subway. / I always come to school by bus.

Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具


Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)

1. (师生互相问好, 复习旧的问候语。)

T: Good morning, everyone!

Ss: Good morning, madam/sir!

T: Welcome back to school, boys and girls. I'm very glad to see you again.

Ss: Me, too.

(找一名学生协助呈现新问候语"Happy New Year!"的答语。)

T: Happy New Year!

S1: Happy New Year!

(让一名学生问候教师新年好,教师引出答语"The same to you!"。)

S1: Happy New Year!

T: The same to you!


Happy New Year! 新年好!

The same to you! 你也一样(新年好!) 2. (复习上学期的时间表达法,并由此导入本课重点:交通方式。)

T: Who has a watch, everybody?

S1: I have.

T: What time is it? / What's the time?

S1: It's seven o'clock.

T: Oh, it's time for work. I usually go to work by bike.

3. (用事先准备好的模型、教学图片或用简笔画给学生展示一些交通工具的名词,如下图。)

T: Boys and girls, please look at these pictures. Do you know what they are in English?

S1: I know the second one. It's a car.

T: Good. Next one? One by one, please.

S2: The first one. It's a bus.

T: Good. What about the third one?

S3: Foot.


T: Well done. Read these words by yourselves. If you can't read any words, I can help you.

Now let's begin.

4. (由上图引出一些表示交通方式的短语, 为下一步的学习做准备。)

T: I usually come to school by bike. What's the meaning of"by bike"in Chinese?

S1: 骑自行车。

T: Very smart. Do you know how to say"乘公共汽车"in English?

S2: By bus.

T: Good. What about"乘飞机"?

S3: By plane.


T: Who can say"步行"in English?

S1: By foot.

T: Do you agree with him/her?

Ss: No, on foot.

T: Right. We shouldn't say"by foot". We should say"on foot". Do you remember?

Ss: Yes, we do.

T: Good. Please read these phrases by yourselves. Let's begin.




初一年级英语下册教学计划:Unit 4第三课时 



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