



Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 掌握词汇及短语

spend, natural

go fishing/hunting, First Nations, at that time, make a fire, a long time ago. hunt for

b. 句型

1) Grandpa, did people go fishing a long time ago?

2) They spent a lot of time outdoors. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable students to know the differences between now and then.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help students know some cultures.

Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点

To grasp the use of some words. Teaching methods教学方法

Listening and speaking.

Teaching aids 教具准备


Teaching procedures & ways 教学步骤与方式

Step I Greeting and lead-in Review lesson 40 and lead in new lesson. T: Do you know the life a long time ago?


T: What do they often do a long time ago?

Get students to talk about the differences between life then and life now. Step II Learn the text

Listen to the tape and finish exercise 1from“Let’s Do It”

Read the lesson and finish exercise 2 from “Let’s Do It”

Step II Grasp some important phrases and sentences of the text.


go fishing/hunting 去钓鱼/打猎

at that time 在那个时候

make a fire 生火

a long time ago 很久以前

hunt for 寻找


1)Grandpa, did people go fishing a long time ago? 爷爷,在很久以前人们钓鱼吗?

go fishing 意为“去钓鱼”,其构成形式为 go+doing

常见的词组还有:go swimming 去游泳; go skiing 去滑雪;

go skating 去滑冰;go climbing mountain 去爬山

2)At that time, there were no supermarkets. 那时候还没有超市。

at that time 意为“在那时”,常用于过去时。

例句:At that time, I didn’t know how to turn on the computer. 那时候我还不知道怎样开电脑。 3) They spent a lot of time outdoors. 他们在户外花费很多时间。

spent 意为“度过,花费”,主语只能是“人”,

常用结构为:spend+时间/金钱/精力+on sth./(in)doing sth.

例句:I usually spend a lot of time on computer games. 我通常花很多的时间在电脑游戏上。

4)And they ate good, natural food like fish and vegetables. 他们吃天然美食,比如鱼和蔬菜。

Natural 是形容词,意为“自然的”,其名词是nature 跟踪练习:

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