


威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了春季七年级下册英语教学计划的相关内容,以便于供大家参考和运用,接下来和小编一起加油哦!

Teaching aims:

Remember the description words: ugly, intelligent, friendly, cute, shy.

Listening practice

Oral practice: talk about animals.

Key points: intelligent, friendly, cute, shy

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Revision: Why do you want to see lions? Because they’re cute.

Step 2 Presentation

We have learned some description words such as scary, interesting, small, cute, exciting. We’ll learn four description words this class: ugly, intelligent, friendly, shy.

Step 4 Match the words and the animals.(1)

Look the pictures in 1 →ask a student to say the names of animals →read the eight adjectives →match the adjectives with the animals in the picture →write the letter of the animals on the line

(Perhaps students have different opinions.)

Step 4 Listening practice 1 (2a)

Tony and Maria want to the zoo. What animals do they like and why? Let’s listen to the tape.

Play the recording twice →students circle the description words in 1 →correct the answers

Step 5 Listening practice 2 (2b)

Play the recording again →write the animals each person talks about and the words they say →check the answers

Step 6 Pair work (3)

Work in pairs →ask some pairs to act

Step 7 Summary: We’ve know more description words.

Step 8 Homework: Remember the adjectives.






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