


学生们在享受学期的同时,也要面对一件重要的事情那就是学习。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了七年级下学期英语教学计划,希望对大家有所帮助。

Teaching aims:

Listening practice: write the names of the animals

Oral practice: Ask and answer questions about animals.

Grammar focus

Teaching difficulty: difference between the words very and kind of.

Teaching methods: listen and say

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision: Can you say the names of the animals? Ask some students to say and two students to write on the blackboard.

Step 2 Free talk: Making a conversation in pairs, talking about animals.

Step 3 Presentation(2a)

Do you want to go to the zoo? Julia and Henry are talking about the animals in the zoo. Let’s listen together.

Play the recording twice →students write in the names of the animals →draw a line between animals and adjectives

Step 4 Listening practice(2b)

Hear the recording again →complete the conversations with the words given →tell the words: very & kind of ( They always come just before the adjectives in the sentences. Look at the cartoons under 2b. We can make sure. Another example: if we are familiar with percentages, we might use the following scale to help explain their meaning:

0%       50%      95%

not       kind of    very)

Step 5 Pair work(2c)

Practice the target language.

Ask and answer questions with the given words.

Step 6 Consolidation: ask some pairs to act out the conversations.

Step 7 Summary: Grammar Focus

Step 8 homework: practice the target languages.






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