




教学内容:Section A 1c 2b 2c Grammar Focus

学习方位介词 on in under behind next to…

句型:Where’s the packback? B.It’s under the table.

Is it…/Are they…? Yes,it is./they are. No,it isn’t./they aren’t.


1) Can use :on in under behind next to…

2) Make a dialogue with the sentence:Where is…?It’s…/Where are…? They’re…

3) 区分:my,your,his,her

教学重点:prep: on in under behind next to

Pattern:Where is/are…? It is…/They are…

Is it…/Are they…? Yes,it is./they are. No,it isn’t./they aren’t.

教学难点:the use of my your his her


1. 学习介词。Watch the video and understand the meaning and the use of prepositions.(直观形象)

2. 介绍介词短语(利用图片/静止动画或周围物品的摆放):in the box, on the box,under the box, behind the box and so on.

3. 通过活动,复习介词。



活动三:1c Pairwork(结队活动)

Make your own conversations. Use the words in the box..(可发掘课程资源)

A. Where’s the backpack?

B. It’s under the table.

on in under behind next to

4. 引出Where questions及其回答。(可让全班同学闭上眼睛,将某一物品藏于某处,,让学生猜测。提问时自然引出where 句型,便于学生理解,水到渠成。学生猜测时,引出句型:Is it ….? 及肯否定回答)eg:Where is the eraser?

5. 看图片,据情景,练习句型。(为激发学生兴趣,可假设情景,画面中的男孩,就要去上学了,可自己上学需要的物品却因为到处乱扔找不到了,你能帮帮帮他吗?他的爸爸、妈妈、妹妹是怎么说的?)

Where’s my backpack? It’s under the table.

Where are my books? They’re on the sofa.

Where’s my baseball? It’s in the backpack.

6. 分角色进行上述对话表演。

7.听力训练。Listen.判断Where are the things from 2a? Number the picture(1-6).

(2b 听录音,判断2a中的物品出处,并在图中标出序号。

8.2c Pairwork 结队活动

Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture.(st,ss)

9.Sum up (Grammar focus ):

Questions Answers

Where’s the baseball? It’s in the backpack.

Where is my computer game? It’s under the bed.

Where are your books? They’re on the chair.

Where are his keys? They’re on the dresser.

Where are her keys? They’re on the table.

10. Guess and guess(Revision):

Ask:Where’s my …?(Pointing to myself)

Where’s your….?(Pointing to a student and questioning)

Where’s his…?(Pointing to a boy and asking the other students)

Where’s her…? (Pointing to a girl and asking the other students)

Answer:It’s +介词短语






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