


社会生活的信息化和经济的全球化,使英语的重要性日益突出。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇初三英语上册Module10教学计划指导思想


教师寄语:Don’t have too many irons in the fire.贪多嚼不烂| 不要揽事过多。





4、能运用句型:You could help coach a football team.


spend …doing, set up, each of, put off, cheer up


1) Would like to do sth. = would love to do sth.

I’d like to go somewhere relaxing = I’d love to go somewhere relaxing.

2) will do sth.


3) be going to do sth.



(一) 预习导学及自测:

1. 花时间做某事 2. 推迟 3. 开设,建立 4. 每一个

5.让某人开心 6. 无家可归的人


Ask the students to work in pairs using the target language.

1) A: Would you like to work outside?

B: Yes, I’d like to help clean up the city parks.

2) A: Would you like to help homeless people?

B: yes. I’d like to give out food at a food bank.

3) A: Would you like to cheer up sick kids?

B: yes, I’d like to visit then in the hospital.

4) A: Would you like to help kids with their school work ?

B: Yes. I’d like to volunteer in an after---school study program.



1) 进入本课话题

T: There three special students in No.77 High School, do you want to know them?


S: Are they good ?

What are they good at ? ……

2) 阅读理解短文,设法找出学生提出的问题的答案。

T: Read the article and circle the things you like, and underline the things you don’t like.


spend…doing, set up, each of, put off, cheer up


教学 操练3b

Group work仿照书上的示范,用书上的提示让他们集体讨论解决方法。先由学生小组讨论,由两三组同学起来表演他们的对话。


Consolidation and Extension

完成一个任务:Group work: A survey

T: Dear classmates, in your city there are many people who need our help. What are you good at? What can we do for them? Now please make a list of things that you like are you can do for them. Then ask your partner about his interests and things he could do, after that please make a report.




( )1. Everyone, including my parents, _____ going to be at the party.

A. was B. were C. are D. will

( )2. I will not buy that refrigerator because I have __________ money.

A .got out of B. taken out of C. looked out of D. run out of

( )3. My brother called me up from Beijing at nine o’clock last night.

A. visited me B. woke me up C. telephoned me D. cheered me up

( )4. Her singing lessons ______ her five hours a week.

A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay


1. 我自愿打电话通知朋友

2. 你愿意去医院看望小孩吗?

3. 我昨晚花了2小时做作业

4. 我们不能再推迟会议了。


1.These young volunteers could help ______ the city parks.

A. claen B. clean up C. clean out D. cleans up

解析:本题考查clean up 用法,其意义为打扫,清扫。所以答案为B。

2.Not only Mary but also I ______ from Canada.

A. is B. are C. am D. was



1.Mary likes to h_______ out at the pub with her friends.

2.Not only _______reading ,but ______ write himself.

A .does he like, he can B. he likes , he can C. does he like, can he D. he likes, can he


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