




1. 学习谈论家务

2. 提出请求;申请许可

3. 能够口头或书面描述日常活动




1. "Could " for polite requests

2. "Could" for permission.

3. "Make" versus "do"


1. 教学器材:Recorder; tape, computer, pictures, a courseware, handout, etc.

2. 教学课件:Cartoon pictures; Flash on PC



Task One: Talk about chores

Goal:Learn the expressions of daily chores by means of discussion

Step 1. Brainstorm: What chores do you have at home? Who often does the chores?

How often do your family do them? (Ask a few students to answer the question orally.)

Step 2. Do you do these chores at home: Section A: 1a

Step 3. Help the students form the groups of three people and make sure one is the kid, the other two are mother and father.

Step 4. Ask the "kid" in each group to fill in the chart according to the real situation in his or her home.

Step 5. Is it fair for everyone in the family? Try to role-play the discussion in groups.

E.g. Kid: Could you please cook twice a week, dad? Mom is too tired. She needs help.

Father: Sure. But could you wash your own clothes?

Kid: Sorry, I can't. I don't have too much time.

Task Two: Make polite requests and ask for permission

Goal: Learn the structures of making requests and asking for permission by means of listening

Step 1. Brainstorm: What kind of difficulties will a person, who is hurt at school?

(Write the students' ideas on the board)

Step 2. Listen to the tape, trying to follow the structures in it: Section A: 1b; 2a & 2b

Step 3. Ask a student to pretend Jack who was hurt, and tell him to ask for helps from his classmates in the front. The rest of the class try to give him different answers.

E.g. --- Maria, could you please move the chair for me?

---Sure, I'd love to.

---Annie, could you please help me take English notes?

---Sorry, I can't. I have to go to the teacher's office first. I can help you later.

Task Three: Express daily chores in short passages by means of talking, reading and writing

Goal: Have the ability of expressing daily chores not only orally but also in written English

Step 1. Help the students form groups of three.

Step 2. Role-play the conversations in groups.

Step 3. Present some conversations to the class.

E.g. Tom: Could I have an ice cream?

Father/Mother: …

Tom: Could I take the small plane there?

Father/Mother: …

Step 4. Learn more expressions of daily chores by reading an e-mail, answer it and try to write a new one: Section B: 3a, 3b &3c.

现在是不是感觉威廉希尔app 为大家准备的八年级英语unit1教学计划很关键呢?欢迎大家阅读与选择!





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