


兴趣可以使人集中注意,如果要让学生感兴趣,教师就要饱含情感。威廉希尔app 编辑了八年级英语unit1教学计划,欢迎阅读!

Topic 1  Are you going to play basketball?

Class begins! Good afternoon boys and girls. Ok, sit down please.

T: Did you enjoy your summer holidays? Ss: Yes.

T: What sports did you usually do? Football, basketball....

T: Do you like playing volleyball? I want to play volleyball. I'm going to play volleyball on the playground this afternoon. Are you going to play with me?

Step 2 Presentation

Do you like table tennis? Are you going to play table tennis with me?

Cycling, rowing, skating, skiing...

OK, now look at the the following questions:

<1>. What is Michael going to do?

Will Kangkang go to come and cheer them on? Listen carefully!

OK, that is right.

Step 3 Consolidation

Now listen again and try to imitate. OK very good. Please turn to page1 and try to finish 1b.

Step 4 Practice

Step 5 Sum up

1. We learn: the future tense with “be going to” 2. We can talk about sports and games/ preferences.

Step 5 Homework



鲁教版八年级英语unit1教学计划模板:Could you please clean your room?  

鲁教版八年级上册英语教学计划:Unit 1 Could you please clean your room?  


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