初二上学期英语教学计划格式:Unit 2 School life




通过阅读,了解课文大意 朗读课文并能简要复述阅读内容








一、 找出阅读中难以理解的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法),查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。 二、识记下列单词 mixed   subject   sew   myself   tasty   even    guys    practice   hero    close   taste    article 三、阅读课文,根据课文内容判断下列句子正误: 1.John is in Grade 9 at a mixed school.(   ) 2.John likes Home Economics best.(   ) 3.John knew how to cook tasty meals before coming to this school.(   ) 4.There is a reading week in John’s school every year.(   ) 5.The students can read books from the school library, but they can’t bring in books from home.(   ) 6.They think Reading Week is too short because they want to read more books.(   ) 四、根据课文内容回答下列问题: 1.What did Jim do in school last year? 2.Does Nancy like her brother driving her to school? Why? 3.What do the students do in the Buddy Club? 4.Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero? 5.What do American students do during lunchtime? 6.What do the students sometimes do after school? 五、完成P26, C1 ,C2


一、生词学习,朗读与拼写本课的生词 二、学生课文朗读展示     学生大声朗读课文,老师指导并分段阅读 三、学生精读课文,展示预习题三、四、五     检查核对答案,促进学生对文章大意把握和词、句的理解。 四、小组内交流, 学生课堂展示成果,完成B1,B2 教师点拨难点:close , a pleasant taste ,read an article by a girl,                What does the word “hero” mean?                 It means someone you admire very much. 五、Discussion     1.Ask the students to compare the life in a British school with the life in anAmerican school, discuss it in groups.      Tell the differences between them in front of the whole class. 2.What does John think of his school life? And what about Nancy?   (找出文中表达喜爱校园生活的词、句) 例如:My favourite subject is…       I love our reading week.       I read the most books in my class.    I enjoy this a lot.       We always have a great time talking to each other.


一、根据课文内容,完成短文    John’school is called ___1_____ School. Boys and girls have lessons _____2_____. John’s favourite subject is Home Economics because he can learn how to ___3____ and ____4____. He knew ___5_____ about this ___6____ he came to this school. But now he can cook _7____ and __8___ meals.    Nancy is an American girl. Her brother ____9____ her to school every day.She plays softball ___10___ a week and spends much time ___11___ .Every Monday, she goes to the ___12____   ___13___ where she can get help from Julie. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.There are many different kinds of _______(taste) dishes in this restaurant. 2.Today most schools are ________(mix) schools. 3.English is one of the important __________(subject) of all. 4.Don’t leave me at home by _________(me). 5.Our school has a ________(read) month. 6.You should eat ______ food and it is good for your _______.(health) 7.Students always have a good time ______(talk) to each other. 8.He had _____ lessons in school last year. Now he ____ me to school every day.(drive) 9.When did you learn how __________(swim)? 10.He spends a lot of time __________(practise) English every day. 11.Driving to school is faster than ________(walk) to school. 12.The food on the plate smells _______(bad). You can’t eat it. 三、句型转换 1.I don’t know how I drive a car.(同义句) I don’t know ________ ________ ________ a car. 2.He spends an hour on his homework.(同义句)  It _______ _______ an hour _______ _____ his homework. 3.Our school has a reading Week every year.(对划线部分提问)  _______ ________ _______ your school _______ a Reading Week? 4.He is also a doctor. (同义句)  He is a doctor ________ ________.

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