



Learning aims

1.      To know good table manners and help others to complete a web page about the talk.

2.      To be able to create your own web page on good manners in public places.

3.      To show our politeness everywhere.

Learning procedures

I. To watch a video and do a questionnaire about table manners (9 minutes)

Today, we’re going to help Amy and Daniel make a web page about their talk.

And then create ours. First, let’s enjoy a video. What’s the video about?

A .  A polite guest. /ɡest/ B. Table manners.

Who is a polite guest? Yes. A .   B is not polite. He is an impo’lite guest.

Maybe he doesn’t know the rules for eating. Let’s look at the questionnaire and do it.

See how much you have known about good table manners.

1.      When is the right time to get to the host’s home?

A. No more than 5 minutes early --- on time.      B. 10 minutes early.

2.      How do hosts greet guests?

A. They usually shake hands.          B. They always greet people with a kiss.

3.  What will be the good gift?

A. A bottle of red wine.              B. Snacks.

4.  How do they start a conversation?

A. They talk about the weather, holidays, music or books.

B. They talk about age, weight or money.

5.  When can they start eating?

A. Until everyone is ready.            B. When they are hungry.

6.  Is it polite to eat with one’s mouth open and make too much noise?

A. No, it isn’t.                       B. Yes, it is.

7.  Is it impolite to talk with food in one’s mouth?

A. Yes, it is.                          B. No, it isn’t.

8.  Is it impolite or polite to reach over someone’s plate for something?

A. It is impolite.                      B. It is polite.

9.  When can you leave the table?

A. Wait for everyone to finish eating.      B. When you finish eating.

Your score: ________________

Two minutes later, see your answers. If you choose A, you can get 2 points. If B, you get1 point. What’s your score?

16—18 points: Congratulations! If you do like that, you’re a polite person.

13—15 points: Not bad. Keep learning, and you’ll be better.

9—12 points: Come on! I think you need to study harder on good table manners, or you’ll be an impolite person.

When we have dinner with others, we should follow some rules for eating.

Please give him some advice on good table manners. Make sure everyone can feel comfortable at the table. You can use these sentence patterns to begin.

It is polite/impolite to.

He /You should (not) .

He /You can (not).

He /You  d better (not) .

Dont .


II. To make a web page about a talk on good table manners (7minutes).

You’ve taught him several rules for eating. He will be lucky enough to take part in a talk on good table manners that held by Class1,Grade8 students. Open your book at P76. Why will they hold the talk? That means the purpose of the talk is to…  . They will talk about …  .

It will take place at…on….at…..

What other way to say that? Two minutes to finish para3 on P77.

Let’s read aloud in groups to check your answers. Which group wants to show your answers?

Another group? Let’s read the last paragraph together. This is the conclusion of the talk.

There are some transitions in these two paragraphs. Can you find them? The first one means first of all, first… Good. When we write, remember them.

If we’re going to hold a talk, we also need to make a plan first. Look at the structures. This part is…  .


IIIGood manners in public places (7minutes)

As we all know, good manners are not only at the table, but also in many public places. It ’s time for us to create our own web page on good manners in public places. First, I give you clues for writing. Look at the pictures. Try to say that in sentences.

OK, please choose a topic and write down the rules in part III.

Share your writing with your group members.

You can follow the best or do your own topic.

Two minutes to make an outline for your talk.

After that, I give you 10 minutes to create your own web page on good manners in …

(设计意图:给学生一些图片情景作为写作提示,同时也温习本单元welcome to the unit环节和integrated skills环节中的部分知识,让学生有内容可写,梳理好写作前的大纲)

IV. Create your own web page on good manners in (10minutes)

Give students writing tips and self-assessment before writing.

1. Write down the outline before writing and use them in your article.(5points)

2. Use transitions(过渡词) to connect the content.(5points)

3. Use different sentence patterns.(3points)

4. Use correct grammar. (5points)

5. Have a good handwriting(2points)

6. Find out the good sentences.(5points)


V.  To evaluate the articles written by students (10mins)

1. Face-to-face assessment: The teacher evaluates two or three students’ articles according to the writing tips.

2 .Self-assessments: Students evaluate their own articles according to the writing tips.

3. Group-editing: Students exchange the articles in groups and give advice to each other, and then choose the best one to share in class.


VI. Conclusion and homework(1 minute)

以上就是威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的牛津译林版八年级英语unit5教学计划模板,更多参考内容请及时关注本网站。






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