八年级下学期英语教学计划范文:Unit 5



书中自有黄金屋,学习是快乐的,下文是由威廉希尔app 为大家整理的八年级下学期英语教学计划范文,欢迎大家参考阅读。

教学目标 A类: 1. Vocabulary:the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, watch the races, a little crowded, like best, go…for one’s vacation, enjoy doing sth., eat out, five meals a day, put on, in two weeks, sound like, from…to…, be similar to, throw water at each other, wash away, have good luck, in the new year 2. Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. Bill wonders whether they’ll have the sweet rice dumplings again next year. What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?   

B类:复习所学的重难点句型及句式结构。       用所学的功能语言讨论你所喜欢的节日。

C类: 了解西方的一些传统节日,掌握和运用宾语从句等知识点。 了解中华传统文化,弘扬中华民族精神,激发学生爱我中华的热情。 个体学习方案① What a great day!   ② I think that they are fun to watch. ③ How he wished that Chang'e could come back! Teaching Contents The First period Section A (1a-2d)

一、教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:mooncake,  lantern,  stranger,  relative,  put on,   pound ,    in two weeks 能掌握以下句型: ①  What a great day!  多好的一天啊! ②Wow,sounds like fun! 哇,听起来真有趣啊! ③ I think that they are fun to watch.我认为它们看起来很有趣。    2) 能了解以下语法   宾语从句和感叹句 情感目标 通过开展角色表演等活动,培养学生阅读兴趣。

二、教学重难点 1. 学会运用宾语从句来表达句子。 2. 学会运用what和how表达对某事物的感叹。

三、教学过程 Step 1: Warming-up What festivals do you like best? What do you like best about your favourite festival? Step 2: Presentation 1 .1a Look at the pictures and guess what festivals they are. Match the pictures with the descriptions. Step 3 Listening 1b Listen and tell true or false. 1. Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch.  T  F 2. Mary thinks that the teams were fantastic.   T   F 3. Bill wonders whether they’ll have zongzi again next year. T   F 4. Bill and Mary believe that they’ll be back next year to watch the races.  T  F Step 4 Speaking 1c Talk about the pictures in 1a. Make conversations. Examples A: What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival? B: I love the races. I think they’re fun to watch. Step 5 Pair Work A: What do you like best about the …? B: I love the ... I think that they’re... Step 6 Listening 2a Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and circle the correct words in sentences. 2b Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but there were also downsides. Listen again and fill in the chart. Fun activities        Downsides Eating out        Shopping        Dragon Boat Festival in June

现在是不是感觉威廉希尔app 为大家总结的八年级下学期英语教学计划范文很有用呢?感谢大家的阅读。





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