[人教版]初二英语下册教学计划:Unit 4




Teaching contents :SectionA 3a ,3b ,4 ,SectionB 2a ,2b ,2c .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1  Leading in

Check the homework .Ask several students to read their sentences to the class .

Step 2  Pre-task

SB Page 28 , 3a .

Read the article to the class .

Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own .

Correct the answers .

SB Page 28 , Part 4 .Ss work in groups of four to complete the role plays .Ask a few Ss to show their role plays to the class .

Step 3  While-task

SB Page 29 , 1a .

Read the sentences to the class and teach new words .Then ask Ss to check the sentences that are true for themselves .

Ask one student to read each sentence to the class and ask Ss to raise their hands if they checked that answer .

SB Page 29 , 2a & 2b .

Read the instructions to Ss .Make sure they know what to do .

Play the recording two or three times .Correct the answers .

Step 4  Post-task

SB Page 29 , 2c .

Pairwork . In pairs ,get Ss to choose a report card from activity 2b to talk about .Then ask some pairs to present their dialogues .

Step 5  Homework

SB Page 28 , 3b .Ask Ss to write anything they want .






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