2015年度初二英语教学计划:how do you make a banana smoothie ?




period three

i. teaching aims and demands :

students learn to describe a process and follow instructions by reading and writing .

ii. teaching key and difficult points:

a .vocabulary

first , next , then , finally mix up , cut up , put…in/ into ,turn on pepper , popcorn popper ,sauce , oven

b .target language

how do you make fruit salad ?

first cut up…. next put …in …. then…. finally mix it all up .

iii. teaching methods: audio-lingual methods and ppp

iv. teaching aids: a tape recorder

v.teaching procedure

step 1. revision


check the homework. act out the conversations.

step 2. speaking and reading

task 1.point to the picture and ask students what they are doing .revise to describe the process.

task 2.read the short passage and fill in the blanks with the words .

first ,…next….then…..finally ….

task 3. tead the description.

step 3.pairwork

task 1 . look at the instructions in 3a again.

task 2. look at the pictures and tell your partner how to make popcorn.

first, put the popcorn into the popper. next , turn on the popper.

next, pour the popcorn into the bowl. then, put salt on the popcorn.

finally, eat the popcorn.

show the instructions to the students and read them loudly.

step 4. game recipe game

make two teams . write a recipe. then cut it up. the other team has to put the recipe in order.pay attention to these words: sauce crust pepper cheese

pizza in the oven


review the words .

describe a process .

copy and recite the instruction in 3a.






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