


通过教学计划可以具体规定一定学校的学科设置、各门学科的教学顺序、教学时数以及各种活动等。为此威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了初二上学期英语教学计划,希望可以作为大家的参考!

Section A 1a to 2c

Teaching aims and demands

No.1 words and phrases

aquarium ,shark, seal, souvenir , ate (eat ) , else , win ,(won,won ), autograph, got , (get 的过去式和过去分词 ) ,

No. 2 学习 There be 结构的过去时

No. 3 学习行为动词的一般过去时

No. 4 教学方法:从谈论过去做的事情入手

No. 5 用到的动词过去式有

Go –went , have –had , take-took ,eat-ate, hang-hung, see-saw, buy –bought ,win-won ,get-got, meet-met,

Step 1 Revision

No.5 Ask ss to say the past form of the words in No.5

Teacher says some sentences ,then ask ss to answer .

Where were you yesterday ? Were you at home yesterday ? Were you happy yesterday ?

Where was your mother yesterday ? Is she at work today ?

Notice the difference between was and were ,is and are .

Then ask : Did you get up early yesterday ? What time did you get up ?

Did you go to Beijing last year ? Did you have a good time last Sunday ?

Correct the errors the ss made teach them how to use the correct forms

Step 2 1a What did you do on your last school trip ?Make a list

Had lot of ice creams ,went to the beach ,visited my grandparents ,visit my uncle ,did my homework ,watched TV, played computer games ,went to the zoo in zhengzhou .

Ask ss to talk in pairs ,then ask them to tell you .

Step 3 1b What did Tina do on her school trip ?Listen and circle the expressions in the box

Play the recording the first time ,ss only listen ,then play the recording a second time ,this time say ,now listen again ,circle the things that Tina did on her school trip ,hang out means 闲逛 fantastic means 幻想的,奇异的,奇妙的,在这里意思是棒极了

Step 4 1c pairwork

Practice the conversation above .Then look at the picture at the top of the page and ask and answer questions .

1 A : Did Grace take photos ?

B: No, she didn't . Her friend Tina took photos .

2 A : Did Joe have ice cream ?

B : No, he didn't . His friend Laura had ice cream .

3 A: Did they see any sharks in the aquarium ?

B ; No, they didn't . They found some really smart seals .

Step 5 2a Listen and check ˇ the questions you hear . Listen and ask ss to read them loudly and do 2c ,choose true or false ,then ask and answer questions ,practise the past tense ,use the correct forms of the words ,at last ,summery the grammar focus .

Did you go to the zoo ? No, I didn't . I went to the aquarium .






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