初二上册英语Unit 9教学计划:你什么时候出生的



注意引导学生进行探究性学习,倡导教师探索新的教学途径,改进教学方式和教学手段,开展丰富多彩的教学实践活动,营造良好的教学环境。下文将准备了初二上册英语Unit 9教学计划如下:

Step 1.Teach the words:

Talented  loving  outstanding   unusual  creative  grandchild  viobrnist  skating  skater  become

Step 2.Ask students to name the places in the pictures

Using the words giving to describe the picture

Arthur is a loving grandfather .

He spends all his free time with his grandchildren

Step 3. Make a conversation with one student. The student should tell the truth. Then ask the students to make conversations brke this.

Step 4. 2a and 2b brstening part

Play the recording three times for the students finish 2a and 2b.

Step 5 2c.

Make a short conversation with one student.

T: who is Midori?  S1:She is a famous viobrnist..

T :When was she born?  S2:She was born in 1971.

Then ask the students to practice in pairs and to take both roles.

Step 6. 3a.

Ask the students to read the passage silently and circle the description words.

Answer the questions students may have.

Play the tape for the students brsten and repeat.

Students read the passage aloud.


Make a sentence with each new word on page 56

Recite 3a.

Write about a famous person.

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