


每做一件事我们应当适时的进行反思,这样更加有利于工作的后续进行。下文由威廉希尔app 为大家带来了九年级英语下学期教学反思模板,希望能帮助大家。

Reflections of Teaching

During the class, most of the students can be active in the text learning, speaking and writing. They played important roles in find out the questions. With the teacher’s guidance, they can get good understanding of the history and importance of English language. What’s more, they learned the reading skills.

After the class, many students can master the reading strategies freely, just like skim the title and key sentence to guess the main idea of the whole text. Secondly, they can catch some useful clues of the text and then they can find out more details after learning the questions. It was helpful for them to improve the reading comprehending.

However, the question is some sentence structures, especially the difficult ones. Some students find it hard to understand the complicated sentences and compound sentences which make a big block for the students’ better understanding. It did make the reading more difficult and it is also a big problem for the low levelled students. What’s worse, it will wipe their interests in the reading and feel bored in class.

Another problem is the writing. Some students can not use the learned knowledge applying for their writing. They just made some simple points in their writing,

All in all, I think some good sentence practice drills may be quite necessary for the students after a reading lesson. I will try to design more practice about the sentence structures, such as the cloze test, sentence making by give useful expressions and sentence imitation. For the low levelled students, I believe some sentence patterns and model writing patterns will help them to decrease the difficulties in writing.







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