冀教版初一英语Unit4教案设计:Food and Restaurants



Step6. Discuss the project

If today is your birthday, you will invite others to go to the restaurant. What will happen? Make up a dialogue and write it down.

Divide the class into several groups. Read the dialogues each other. Then discuss together. Choose the best one to read in front of the class.

Step7. Finish the questions in lesson 32.

If they have difficulties, the teacher can use flashcards to help them to understand and remember.

Step8. Come to the activity book.


Lesson 32: Food and Restaurants

afternoon apple banana beef bread breakfast cake chicken coke dumpling egg evening fish food hamburger hot dog lunch meat milk morning noodle rice salt sandwich soup strawberry supper table tea vegetable eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty would hungry sweet not order

I’m hungry/thirsty. I want to eat/drink. get up do one’s homework go to bed go to school in the morning/afternoon/evening have breakfast/lunch/supper

Would you like …? Yes, please./No, thanks.

What would you like? I’d like …

I don’t like … for breakfast/lunch/supper.

It’s time for …

It’s time to …

I’ll take … , please.

Are you ready to order?

Good night.

a lot


1. Finish the remaining exercises in the activity book.

2. Preview the next reading of the next unit in the student book.

3. Sum up what you have learned in this unit.



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