仁爱版英语初一上册unit4教案模板:Having fun




Step 1Greetings


1. Play a game ,review the numbers1—59

2. Use some pictures and photos to ask and answer between the teacher and

the students, and review the words and sentences about animals ,then lead

to the new words:zoo,panda , monkey,lion, tiger,elephant.

3. Quick reaction .Let the students look at the picture in 1b,say the names of

the animals quickly,and spell the words,finish 1b.

Step3. Lead in

1. Show the teaching pictures of 1a:Today our friends Michael and Kangkang

want to go to the zoo.Let’s see what they are talking about.

2. Listen to 1a and answer the questions

1) Can they see pandas in the zoo? 2)What animals can they see?

3)What time do they meet ? 4)Where do they meet?

3. Check the answers


1. Ask the students to read 1a after the recorder and imitate the pronunciation

and intonations.

2. Ask some students to act 1a out in pairs ,finish 1c.

Step 4 Presentation

1.Show a clock .Lead to the expressions of the time .

For example: ——What time is it now?What’s the time,please?


It’s past one .(It’s one thirty.) /It’s twentyforty.)

2.Explain the usage of “past” and “to”. And learn the new words:

past ,quarter,half.Lead to 2a.

Step 5.Pairwork

1. Ask the students to pratice 2a in pairs.

2. Let the students pratice the expressions of time in pairs according to the

example in 2b and the content of the poster in the right chart. Finish 2b.



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