仁爱版英语初一上册Getting together教案模板:Unit 3



进一步深化教育教学改革,树立全新的语文教育观,构建全新而科学的教学目标体系、威廉希尔app 特制定仁爱版英语初一上册Getting together教案模板

Teaching aims and demands:


2.能力目标:学生会用could, may 等来进行口语交际。


Teaching period: one

Teaching style: new

Teaching aids: tape, picture

Teaching difficulty: 重点could ,may 的运用及以下句子的掌握:

1. Could you please tell me your name? Sure

2. May I study English with you? No problem.

难点:could, may 表示请求,及Do引导句子的回答

Teaching methods: 口语教学法,交际法,操练法等

Learning methods: pair work, 合作法等

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

Ask students do duty report ( dialogue in Unit 2 ) ,revise talking “like ”and “colors”

Step 2 Presentation

According to the duty report , teacher asks : Does Maria’s friend like the color?

S: Yes.

T: Do you like English?

S: Yes.

T: Do you have a pen pal?

S: No.

Step 3 Presentation

Get students look at the blackboard and learn the new words and some sentences as following:

1.Could 可以,行, can的过去式

2.Tell 告诉 Could you please tell me your name?

3.sure 当然

4.Very much 非常

5.May 可以,能 May I study English with you?

6..help … with… 帮助… 做…

7.No problem 没问题

Step 4 Look, listen and say

1. Ask students to turn to page 53 and look at the picture and say: They are friends they are speaking English, what are they talking ? then put up the small blackboard , ask students listen and answer the questions.

2.Get students repeat after tape

Step 5 Practice

Get students read the dialogue in pairs and then choose some pairs to act out the dialogue.

Step 6 Pair work

Students do this part with their partners , and ask some pairs to read out the dialogue

Step 7 Work alone

Ask students do this part as homework

Step 8 Class activities

Students listen to the tape and repeat , then ask students to chant in pairs ,in groups and chant all the class.

Step 9 Sum up

归纳本节课所学的知识,强调英语的重要性,有用性 ,有趣性,鼓励学生加强英语学习

Step 10 Homework.

Ask studentstorecitetheimportantsentencesinsectiona.

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冀教版初一英语Body Parts and Feelings教案设计:unit3  



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