仁爱版英语初一上册Looking different教案模板:Section B



提前做好教学规划,可以帮助教师理清新课时的教学思路,进而提高课堂效率。以下是威廉希尔app 为老师提供的仁爱版英语初一上册Looking different教案模板,希望在老师的教学中能够有所帮助。

Section  B

The main activities are 1a, 3 and 4.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Go on learning the usage of “have” and“ has”.

2. Go on learning how to describe people’s appearances.

3. Enable students to identify and use the intonation correctly.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1.The teacher uses the features of himself/ herself and students by his/ her side as examples to review the names of the parts of the body. Teach new word “arm”, “hand”, “leg” and “foot”, and ask students to master them. For example:

T: I have…

He/ She has…

2.Play the game Bobby Says. Finish 5b.

3.Divide students into two groups. Let students write down the names of the parts of the body as quickly as they can to see which group finish it better and faster. Finish 5a.

5.Let students listen to 2 and match the phrases with the right numbers. Check the answers. Finish 2.

Step 2 Presentation

1.Show a picture of a star. Ask and answer between the teacher and students. For example”

T: Who’s he?

S: He is Yao Ming.

T: Look, he has a big nose, a wide mouth and big eyes. ( The teacher says the sentences slowly. Let students pay attention to different intonations.)

2.Listen to 4 and follow it. Imitate the intonation, and finish 4.

3.Show the picture of 1a. Teach the new words “favorite”, “movie”, “star”, “Chinese”,“ again” and “look”, and ask students to master them. Understand “does”, and its negative form “doesn’t ”.For example:

T: Look ! Who is he, guess?

S1: He is …

T: Yes, you are right./ No, you aren’t right. Guess again.

T: Does he have…?

S2: Yes, he does. ( The teacher helps students answer.)

T: You are right. He is Chinese. He is my favorite movie star.

4.Listen to 1a, then answer the question: Is Michael’s favorite star Bruce Lee?

Step 3 Consolidation

1.Listen to 1a again and follow it. Imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

2.Talk with the tape.

3.Act out 1a in pairs. Finish 1a.

Step 4 practice

1.Let students read 1a and find out the important sentences . The teacher makes complements and explains them, then asks students to master them. For example:

(1) Who is your favorite movie star?

(2) -----Does he have long hair?-----No, he doesn’t.

(3) It’s Bruce Lee.

(4) Guess again.

2.Let students describe Jackie Chan by using the sentence pattern “He has …”. The teacher leads to different expressions of “have” and“ has”, and writes them down on the blackboard. For example:

S1: He has a big nose.

T: His nose is big.

S2: He has big eyes.

T: His eyes are big.

Emphasize the usage of “is” and “are”, “have”, and “has” during the practice.

3.Competition in groups. Let students look at the sentences on the blackboard. Make sure they understand how to change the sentences. Then let students have a competition in groups. One group says Sentence A and the other group changes it into Sentences B. For example:

A: My face is round.

B: I have a round face.

A: His eyes are big.

B: He has big eyes.

4.Let students write down the answers to 3 by themselves , then check the answers. Finish 3.

5.Work in pairs. Let students talk about their own favorite persons according to 1a. Then ask one group to act out their dialog. Finish 1b.

Step 5 Project

Ask students to collect the pictures of their own favorite stars. Then make files about their appearances and make a brief introduction.

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