仁爱版英语初一上册Looking different教案模板:Section A



教案是老师为讲授新一课而做的教学设计和设想,编写教案要依据教科书和教学大纲,从学生的实际出发,精心设计,威廉希尔app 准备了仁爱版英语初一上册Looking different教案模板,希望对大家有用。

Topic 1 I have a small nose.

Section A

The main activities are 1a, 2a and 3a.

Teaching aims and demands:

1. Learn the usage of“ have” and “has”.

2. Learn the adjectives: small, big, right, round, long, wide, short.

3. Learn to describe people’s appearances.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Review

1. Review the functional items in Unit 1 by using the following sentences to talk about personal information. Students can ask and answer freely by themselves.

What’s your name?     Where are you from?   How old are you?

What class are you in?   What’s your telephone number?

2. The teacher uses his/ her own facial features as example, saying “I’m…I have …” Let students master the meaning of “have”. Write it down on the blackboard and teach it.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Use the teacher’s facial parts, pictures or multimedia and the sentence structure “What’s this?” to teach and let students master the new words“nose”,“eye”,“head”,“face”,“hair”,“ear”,“mouth”,“neck”,“small”,“big”,

“round”, “long”, “wide” and “short”.

2. Ask and answer by using the following sentences between the teacher and students:

T: I have a big head. Do you have …?

S: Yes, I do.

Ask different students the above question. Then invite some pairs to practice the dialog in front of the class.

3. Listen to 1a and answer the question “Who is the boy?” Learn and master the new word “boy.”

Step 3 Consolidation

1. Listen to 1a and follow it; imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

2. Teach and let students master “guess”, “has”, “know” and “right”.

Teach and let students master the sentences patterns of 1a:

(1) I have a small nose.

(2) ---Do you have big eyes?---Yes, I do.

(3) Oh, I know.

(4) Yes, you are right.

3. The teacher and students find out the key words together. Ask students to write them down on the blackboard, and the teacher retells 1a first, then encourages students to retell it. For example: guess, who, Michael, nose(small), big, eyes(big), know, right. Finish 1a.

4. Act out 1a in pairs. Finish1b.

Step 4 practice

1. Listen to2a and follow it. Finish 2a.

2. Work in pairs. Play the game “Touch your body.” Finish 2b.

3. Ask students to listen to 3a and follow it, summarize the usage of “have/has”. Then the teacher explains it.

4. Let students fill in the blanks in 3b, then the teacher checks the answers. Finish 3b.

5. Let students use the sentence patterns in 3a to describe the features of themselves and others. Then choose several to describe the features of themselves and others in front of the class. Finish 3a.

Step 5 Project

1. Let students read 4A, learn and master the word “girl” and draw the picture. Then look at the picture in 4B and fill in the blanks. Finish 4.

2. Let students say sentences as they can to describe the features of themselves and others.

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