上海牛津版初一英语Daily life教案设计





Cartoon talk.


a) Ask Ss several difficult questions. After they answer ‘I don't know'. Ask them to look at the cartoon on P17 and talk about it.

b) Present three new words: grade, business, client by introducing a girl. Ask Ss to talk about the daily life of the girl. Show some pictures and time ,then let Ss tell the actions.

c) Prediction: answer the questions in A1.

3. While- reading

1)First reading: Tell Ss to read the title and the subtitle and quickly find what the girl often do at that time every day? Tell them this is a way to make predictions about an article. Check the answers.

2)Second reading: Read the text again and complete A2.

3)Reading for details:

Find out the answers to complete a table about the time and actions.


Deal with some useful phrases and expressions in the passage. Guide the Ss to learn and use them in their own speaking and writing.


1) Exercise- fill in the blanks according to the passage. (To consolidate the Ss' understanding on the passage.)

My name is Cheng Na. I'm a student an I write computer games. All of my family work in my (1)________. Every morning we (2)________ business at breakfast, then my driver drives me to school. Sometimes I make phone calls to my (3)________ on the way to school. At 8am, I start school. I usually (4)________ A (5)________ in all my subjects. I never (6)________ an exam. My driver (7)_____ me from school about (8) a week. Then I have lunch. At 4.15 pm after school I (9)________ the computer club. I have (10)________ lessons once a week. At 7 I have dinner. Then I go to my office and (11)________ working. I usually go to bed at 11pm.

Check the answers: (1). Business (2).discuss (3) clients (4) achieve (5)grades (6)fail (7) collects (8) twice (9)attend (10) violin (11) continue

2) Read aloud all the new words

3).Talking: What impress you most after reading this passage? (Cheng Na' life is different from other Ss' lives.)

4) Translate and remember the useful expressions

one of the top students__________               get up_______ ___       ___

have lunch__________________                        put on______________

have breakfast_____________                    have meetings________

make phone calls to_________                    play basketball________

have violin lessons___________                         fail an exam___________


(1) Rewrite Cheng Na' life. (50)

(2) Finish the exercises in Book B.

Reading B Zhen Hui's daily life (阅读课)


input-based, 阅读理解为主。

二、 教学目标:


2.引导学生通过阅读Zhen Hui's daily life一文,了解关于一天的日程安排的记叙文写法,加深巩固本单元的话题和语言知识学习。




Get the Ss to say something about A day in the life of Cheng Na.


1) Look at the pictures about a boy' daily life and ask them to talk about them sentence by sentence. Ask Ss say a whole sentence using the adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency.

c)2) Put all the sentences together into a passage.

3. While- reading

1) First reading: Tell Ss to read the article quickly and find the answers to complete the table on P20..

2) Second reading: Check the answers of B3 on P20 in class

3)Reading for details:

Learning: Deal with some useful phrases and expressions or difficult sentences in the passage.


1) Exercise- fill in the blanks according to the passage. (To consolidate the Ss' understanding on the passage.)

Guide the Ss to learn and use them in their own speaking and writing. Find out the answers to complete a table about the time and actions.

2) Retell Zhen Hui's daily life.


AWriting: Write their own daily life using the useful words and expressions.

BFinish exercises in Book B Reading.

Listening A &Listening B(听力课)


input-based, 听力理解为主。








1. Revision

Get a student to say something about his day in the daily life .

2. Lead-in

1.Guessing. Watch some pictures and guess the jobs of each person.

2.Get Ss to speak out some names of jobs as many as they can and remember them.(brain storm)

3.While listening ——Listening A

1) Play the recording for the Ss to listen and write down the numbers in the circles to show the right speaker.

guard ()messenger ()manager () construction worker( )dentist ( )accountant ( )

2) Play the recording again for the Ss to listen and match the words and phrases about the people's jobs.

(Get students to listen to the rest of the material and practice the strategy. Focus on the listening strategy: listening of key words)

3) Deal with some new words and phrases.

4) Description. Talk about What a police man do.

4.While listening ——Listening B

1) Get the Ss to read through the questions above first.

2) Play the recording for the Ss to listen and answer the questions in B1..

3) Play the recording again for the Ss to listen and correct the statements on P22 B2. (Focus on the listening strategy: listening of key words.)

4) Check the answers in class.

5) Deal with some useful expressions or difficult sentences.


ARecite the weekday routine about Zhao Xue.

BFinish exercises in Book B Listening.



practice -based,启发学生, 归纳语言知识,开展各层次、强化性和综合性练习,多种技能结合训练,以练为主。



2.引导学生发现并归纳出频率副词always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never的用法,并能在模拟交际中正确运用这些副词。



1.Revision---Talk Bar

Get the students to talk about their daily lives in one to two sentences., and then ask some students to talk about their classmates' daily lives.

2.Grammar learning---The simple present tense

(1) Make sure the students understand the rules to add -s or – es .

(2) Write some verbs to add –s or –es

(3) Write some sentences on the blackboard. Ask students to say them. Point out the –s or –es after Mary (she/he /it). Mention that there is no –s or –es when the verbs are used after I, you ,we and they.

(4) Talk about the whiz-kid Cheng Na's daily life. Read the article on page 18 again and help Ss complete the report by filling in the blanks .on p23.

(5) Do Ex1 in Book B

3. Practice

(1) Ask students questions about their daily habits following the model. “ What do you usually get up in the morning ?” Then let students ask and answer similar questions in pairs.

(2) Ask students questions, and answer the questions following the model” Do you brush your teeth every morning ? ” Yes , I do/No, I don't.”

(3) Finish Ex. C in the Book B..

4.Learning B---Adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency

(1) Write the words “always/ usually /often /sometimes /seldom /never “,tell students they are adverbs we use to say how often things happen.

(2) Draw the table on the board and explain that the frequency of the adverbs. and do Ex in page24

(3) Get the Ss to talk about one of his/her habits using words like Every day/week/month/once a year. And let the students know these are adverbial phrases.

(4) Practice: Ex D in Book B

5. Homework



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