初一上册英语教案范文:Get Ready A You School




Step3  Presentation 1.T:There are some transportations. How do you get to school?(板书) Ss: I take the bus /plane/ boat / ship / car / taxi to school

2.Look at some pictures and have the students learn some more words and expressions about some transportations such as“take a car,by car ,ride a bike,by bike... Step 4 Game

1.Show the pictures of film or sing stars and get to guess how they get to work.

T: How does Yaoming / Liuyifei / Zhoujielun...get to work?

S1: Yaoming rides the bike to work every day.

2.Get to ask and answer in pairs by using the pictures below

How does …get to …?

She/He gets to …by… 通过给学生展示喜闻乐见的明星图片,激发学生猜的兴趣,从而无形的让学生将所学的知识脱口而出,不但操练了句型和词汇,也增加学生的语言熟练程度,同时浓厚了课堂的气氛。

Step 5 Practice 1.Listen and mark of 1a in books, after that , get to ask and answer in pairs from the picture.

2.Listen and write the number of 1b in the book,get to say the answers 3. Watch a short movie and choose the right order they hear the transportations. 通过看电影短片,学生又进一步牢固地掌握了所学交通工具。利用多媒体复习所学单词,是网络与英语的经典整合。 Step 6 Make a survey Ask the classmates : “How do you get to school?” Then fill in the form.

classmates How do you get to school?

2. Make a report Bob takes the bus to school and Yang Lan rides her bike to school. But I get to school on foot.


Step 7 General training Ⅰ.Phrases

乘公共汽车                  步行 ____________________

乘飞机                   乘地铁________________________

骑车                    乘火车________________________

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the words give already.

ride        take         get to         by

1)            How do you ________ school in the morning?

2)            When it rains,  I _______ a taxi.

3)            I like to ______ my bike on the weekend.

4)            Mary’s mother gets to work               car.

5)My math teacher               the bus to work.

Step 8 Homework 1)     Collect more pictures of  transportations.


2) Make a survey--- How do your family members get to school or work?And give a report.

3)Write a composition:

Where are you going for vacation? How are you getting there? Who are you going with? What are you doing there? How long are you staying?

六、教学感悟与反思 本节课词汇较多,但由于词汇均涉及学生的生活实际,而且在课堂中,我采用图文并貌,突出真实性,同时,我在教学中采用了任务型教学,设计了有层次和一定梯度且有启发性的问题,让他们在富有情趣的交际中愉快地主动地接受信息、加工信息、交流信息。而且和谐、融洽的课堂气氛,有利于激发他们的学习兴趣,在有兴趣的前提下是他们的想象力得到了充分发挥,他们把学习变成了自己主动、渴望的一种行为。因此本课的教学目标在愉悦的课堂气氛中得到落实和巩固。








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