


教案是教师对新一课时讲授的整体设计,这样能够有效提高教学效率,因此威廉希尔app 为大家提供了初一英语unit8教案设计,希望对老师有所帮助。

The 4th Period

Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

(1) Key Vocabulary

run out of, take after, fix up, give away, repair, not…any more, similar advertisements

(2)Target Language

What do you do, Jimmy?

I fix up bikes and give them away.

2. Ability Objects

(1) Train the students’ reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the target language.

(2) Train the students to use the new phrasal verbs.

3. Moral Object

Come up with a good idea to help others. It will bring you much enjoyment.

Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

1. Train the students’ reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the target language.

2. Teach the students to use the new phrasal verbs properly.

Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point

Teach the new phrasal verbs.

Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

1. Making up sentences

2. Listening

3. Pairwork

Ⅴ. Teaching Aid

A. tape recorder.

Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures

Step I Revision

1. Revise the contents of the article in Activity 3a.Section A

2. Check the homework by asking some students to read the conversations they wrote. Correct any mistakes they might have made. Let them hand in their homework.

Step Ⅱ 1a

Read the instructions to the students.

Make sure that each one knows what to do.

Let the students look at the sentences in the left column first. Try to explain the four sentences in English for the children, especially the new phrasal verbs in the sentences. Say to them like this:

Please look at the sentences on the left column. Let’s get the meanings of them.

Let’s see the first one. I’ve run out of it

Here, run out of is a phrasal verb. It means reach an end of, use up or become short of. I’ve run out of it, means I’ve used it up, nothing left.

Explain the other sentences in the same way.

After explaining the sentences, read each sentence in the box and ask the students to repeat.

Then ask several students to explain the sentences with letters in front of them.

Tell them to explain them in their own sentences. For example, Sentence a, the student might respond. My bicycle was broken. I couldn’t ride it. I got new tires and a new seat. Now it works fine.

Read the instructions again and ask the students to match the sentences with similar meanings.

Say, Now match the numbered sentences with the lettered sentences in the box.

Write the letter of one sentence in front of the number of the matching sentence.

Look at the first sentence. The answer has been given. It’s Sentence b. Find out the answers to the other sentences.

Check the answers by asking different students to read their matched sentences.

Step Ⅲ 1b

Call the students’ attention to the phrasal verbs in the box. Have four different students explain each phrases in their own words.

Make sure each student knows the phrasal verbs’ meanings.

Then ask the students to read the instructions together.

Now let’s make sentences with the words in the box. Please look at the sample sentence in your book. Who would like to read it and explain it in your own language?

Ask one student to read the sample sentence and explain it. He or she might explain like this:

The meaning of this sentence is I give my bicycle to charities without money.

Who can make another sentence with give away? Please put up your hands.

Ask two or three students who have put up their hands to say their sentences to the class. Correct any mistakes they may make.

Then have the students work individually. Make one sentence with each phrasal verb in the box. Tell them to write down their sentences on the lines next to the box.

Walk around the classroom as they write. Offer some help to them if they need. Try to remember who have made some wonderful sentences at the same time.

After all of them have finished writing, choose some children who have made some wonderful sentences to share theirs with the class. Choose some of the best sentences. Write them on the blackboard.

At last, ask the whole class to work in pairs and help each other. Let them check each other’s sentences very carefully.

Correct all the mistakes in writing or sentence structures that their partners’ may have made.

Step Ⅵ 2a

Call the students’ attention to the four pictures. Tell them the boy’s name is Jimmy. Read the instructions to the class. Your task is to number the pictures the correct order while you are listening to the conversation on the tape. But I want to ask you to guess the answer without listening now.

Try to put the four pictures in a certain order to show a story of Jimmy by yourselves now. I’ll see whose answers ant correct after we finish doing the listening practice.

Then have them give their own order by guessing. After a while, ask several ones to tell their answers to the whole class.

Collect two or three answers which many students support on the blackboard.

Next, ask some students to tell their own stories on the pictures according to their own orders.

After that, ask the students to get ready to listen.

Say, We will hear a radio program. A man is interviewing a boy. Write a number in each short line next to each picture while you are listening. Your numbers should be from 1 through 4 and show which thing they talk about first, second, third and fourth.

Play the recording the first time.

Students only listen.

Then play the recording again. Ask students to number the pictures.

Check the answers. Remember to say congratulations to the children who guessed correctly.

Step Ⅴ 2b

Read the instructions together with the children. Make sure that everyone knows what to do.

Call the students’ attention to the box.

Ask four students to read the four sentences to the class.

Point to the list of statements and true/false choices.

We will listen to the same recording again. Before I play the recording, let’s do like this. —If you can remember the contents of the conversation, please you’re your answers; if you can’t remember the contents, please just guess the answers. It doesn’t matter whether your answers are right or wrong.

After a while, have the students get ready to listen.

Play the recording again. Ask the students to circle the correct answer to each question—T for true or F for false.

Check the answer. Remember to say congratulations to the students who had a good guess before listening.

Step Ⅵ 2c

First, play the recording of this lesson again, The students repeat after it. Let the students read after the tape at least twice. Tell them to try their best to copy the pronunciation of the recording.

Read the instructions to the class. Tell them they will practice the conversation between Jimmy and the reporter, using the information in the Activities 2a and 2b.

Ask a pair of the students to read the model conversation.

Write the conversation on the blackboard.

Then let them practice their own conversations in pairs.

As the pairs work together, more around the room offering help as needed.

Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.

Step Ⅶ Summary

Say, In this class, we’ve learned how to use some new phrasal verbs first. And

we’ve done much listening practice on the target language. At last, we did some oral practice by making our own conversations.

Step Ⅷ Homework

1. Make up one more sentence with each of the phrasal verbs in Activity lb.

2. Write out the conversations that you made by yourselves in Activity 2c.

Step IX Blackboard Design

Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.

Section B

The Fourth Period

Target language:

A: What do you do, Jimmy?

B:I fix up bikes and give them away.









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