七年级下册英语教案范文:Unit 6第三课时



学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。威廉希尔app 为大家整理了七年级下册英语教案,让我们一起学习和一起进步吧!加油哦!

教材目标:1、认知生词:amazing awful bad terrible

2、运用What’s your favorite kind of music?

Who’s your favorite singer? 等句式进行口语交际.

Teaching Steps:

Step I: Lead in

What’s your favorite kind of movies? ( action thriller comedy documentary)

Why ? (interesting, funny, scary, exciting)

We have learned so many description words,this class, we’ll learn some words that say how good or bad something is

Step II. show the new words:

read them and ask the students to repeat.

Fill in the blanks with amazing, awful or terrible. The Beatles were an______ musical group, I like it very much.

I think country music is very______. I never listen to it.

Step III. Do 1a.

Step IV. Pair work

A list of singers: Janet Jackson , Celine Dion , Garth Brooks, Kenny G.

Make a dialogue with the words you learned just now.

Do you like…?

No ,I don’t, They’re …

Do you like…?

Yes, I do. She’s …

ask someone to act out.

Step V.2a

Listen and write their favorite kinds of music.

Play the recording the first time students only listen.

Play the recording a second time.

Students write the names of each type of music.

Check the answers.







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