


提前做好教学规划,可以帮助教师理清新课时的教学思路,进而提高课堂效率。以下是威廉希尔app 为老师提供的七年级下学期英语教案范文,希望在老师的教学中能够有所帮助。



market, supermarket, biscuit, lemon, strawberry, Mother’s Day, size, take, may, try, try on, certainly, wait a minute, sale, price, look, fresh, advantage, anyone, anything, anywhere, compare, pay, post, product, receive, safe, several, online, shopping, way, one of? almost, open, later, out, go out, over, one day, one


1. Can I help you? / What can I do for you?

2. I’d like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.

3. — What colour does she like? — Purple.

4. — What size does she take? — Small.

5. — May I try it on? — Certainly.

6. There’s a sale on today. Everything is half price.

7. OK! I’ll take it.

8. Wait a minute!

9. How many / much would you like?

C. 教学目标

1. Function: Talking about going shopping.

2. Structure: Questions: What?? How many / much??

3. Skills: 1) Listening and understanding description..

2) Performing a role-play..

3) Reading and predicting.

4) Transferring information from a table to a passage..

4. Around the world: Catalogue shopping.

5. Task: Writing a shopping list for a school picnic.


Questions: What?? How many / much??


Unit 1 What can I do for you?

ⅠTeaching model

Listening and speaking

ⅡTeaching method

Bottom-up approach to listening

ⅢTeaching aims

1. To understand conversations.

2. Talking about going shopping.

3. Questions: What?? How many / much??

ⅣTeaching Objectives

1. Key vocabulary: market, supermarket, biscuit, lemon, strawberry, Mother’s Day,

size, take, may, try, try on, certainly, wait a minute, sale, price,

look, fresh, advantage

2. Key structures: 1) Can I help you? / What can I do for you?

2) I’d like to buy?.

3) — What colour does she like? — Purple.

4) — What size does she take? — Small.

5) — May I try it on? — Certainly.

6) There’s a sale on today. Everything is half price.

7) OK ! I’ll take it.

8) Wait a minute!

9) How many / much would you like?

ⅤTeaching aids

Tape recorder, OHP, video

ⅥTeaching Steps

Step 1 Warming up

1. Show some pictures of school things. Say what they are.

2. Read the words after the teacher.

3. Introduce the new words.

Step 2 Work in pairs.

1. Ask the students to read the words in Activity 1.

clothes shop market supermarket

2. Look at the pictures carefully in Activity 1.

3. Match the words and expression from the box with the pictures.

4. Check their answer with a partner.

5. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.

6. Ask the students to read the words.

biscuit lemon sausage strawberry T-shirt

7. Say where you can buy these things.

Step 3 Listen and answer the questions.

1. Ask the students to read the questions in Activity 2.

1) What is Lingling going to buy for her mother on Mother’s Day?

2) What is Betty going to make for her mother?

3) What does Betty want to buy?

4) When are they going to the shops?

2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen to the recording carefully.

3. Listen and answer the questions.

4. Play the recording again, then they can check their answer with a partner.

5. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.

Step 4 Listen and read.

1. Ask the students to read the conversation silently.

2. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.

3. Read the conversation.

4. Act it out.

5. Learn “Everyday English”


Wait a minute!

Can I help you?

6. Learn to learn

You don’t have to understand every word when you listen. Try to listen for the important information.

Step 5 Complete the table.

1. Read the conversation again.

2. Now complete the table.

3. Ask the students to check with a partner.

4. Play the recording again .Check the answers:

Keys: 1. one 2. 99 yuan 3. half a kilo 4. 19 yuan 5. one kilo 6. 10 yuan Step 6 Complete the conversation.

1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 4.

2. Read through the conversation.

看完威廉希尔app 初中频道推荐的七年级下学期英语教案范文,相信老师对教学设计、规划也有了更清楚的掌握,更多参考资料尽在威廉希尔app 。






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